Beatrice is my homegirl

I hate to break it to you, but this mess is really all your daddy’s fault.

That’s a teen? Is she a TV show teen or an actual teen teen because she looks like she’s pushing 30 to me.

This makes absolute sense and my heart aches for this man. Having said that, that's a fucking amazing picture.

I started watching The Night Manager for Tom Hollander, who I love in pretty much everything he’s done, but I stayed for Olivia Coleman. I can’t tell you how much I loved seeing a woman in her 40s, not conventionally attractive and heavily pregnant kick ass and take names in a spy thriller. Can she be the next Bond?

Federal scientist here. The raw data we collect has to go through a time-consuming check/approval process before it’s fit for public consumption because people rely on that data for recreation/agriculture/infrastructure/construction. Our data is also collected and transmitted via telemetry, which like NASA’s, isn’t

Okay, where to start...

How dare she? I mean, seriously.

I love when women watch out for other women

This ad is under the article about the Depp-Heard divorce (on my end anyway), and I find it extremely appropriate.

There are tons of people who were attacked by one cat or dog in their lives, and develop a fear of ALL cats and dogs. I think it’s pretty common to let one bad encounter shape your behavior. Unfortunately, women tend to have many negative encounters with men in their lives, to varying degrees, which make them fear for

They should do a very sped up version of the play where they all talk fast. They can call it Tempest Fugit.

You can thank the drug industry and their high paid lobbyists for that. Laugh at Trump and Bernie but both parties worked their ass off to keep them off the ticket. Why? Because they weren’t part of the established status quo in Washington. Both sides of the aisle get their bread buttered by the same lobbyists to make

“Fashion is a very serious thing to me.”

Jackie Curtis is one of the most important and one of the greatest queens in drag herstory. She’s a mother of modern drag in America.

Do you know what her looks consisted of? Houses dresses, torn apart at the seams, with a deconstructed table cloth thrown over, and the whole thing cheap Streisand and Afro wigs that

So there is some context required, the girls were kidnapped about 5 months before the presidential election and President Goodluck Jonathan (who frankly brought very little good luck to the country) decided that the kidnapping was an effort to discredit him and his presidency. So they did nothing for almost 5 days,

Princess Charlotte looks so much like the Queen to me that I like to imagine that she carries around a tiny toy purse at all times.

Wow. So now he gets what it’s like for someone to trap you and force you to undergo an experience you don’t want to go through?* Huh?