This is the South, they are probably called Tripp, Tyler, and Skip.
This is the South, they are probably called Tripp, Tyler, and Skip.
Tripp, Tre, or they go by a riff of their name or middle name because all the first-born men in their family have the same name.
What a bunch of thugs. When will the white community address the culture of violence prevalent in their community?
He also, according to the custody decisions, showed absolutely no remorse about it or even understanding as to why it would be upsetting to his children (two of whom he was literally adopting at the time he started his relationship with Previn) that he would be having an affair with their sister.
It’s possible to not believe the accusation that Woody Allen molested Dylan Farrow. I happen to believe the story — but there is no real proof. It’s her word against his.
Right. This is her exact quote about it from the Nerdist podcast. She doesn’t say it wasn’t him but she EXPLICITLY takes Jez to task for setting the internet mob on it.
I’m pretty sure Jen Kirkman explicitly denied that it was about CK, which seems like a big omission considering how pissed she was at you all for tying her to CK in the first place.
Obviously, some people go completely silly over the accent (which you think would wear off eventually but somehow doesn’t?). But I also have a theory that British men (specifically actors) are more comfortable being seen as sex objects than American men (specifically straight men). The Brits tend to have a sense of…
I adored his Prince Hal but couldn’t get on board with his Henry V. Then again, once you go Branagh...
Wish he’d hooked up with no-nonsense spymaster and unacknowledged national treasure Olivia Colman.
Do you guys just look for an excuse to be snarky? Michael Phelps, as ridiculous as he is, is probably shirtless because he’s practicing skin to skin contact with his child, something that promotes intimacy with fathers and their babies. Christ.
but you wouldn’t know that from asking him—as he hasn’t said a word to reporters since the incident occurred.
Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in “Mommy Dearest,” blew me away! She was better at being Crawford than Crawford was!!
The wrist is emotionally sensitive. Has claustrophobia. Doesn’t like being encased like that.
Wow, it looks just like it. Kinda makes me feel I could live somewhere like that, even though I like big cities...