
Honestly if all you see is an echo chamber full of snark, why are you here? To be perfectly honest,that question is rhetorical. You don’t recognize the value and necessity of disentangling all the shitty assumptions from our collective attitudes, I’ll never agree with pretending that’s somehow in conflict with cancer

These conversations are vital, though? The very fact that Lena’s remark was “offhand” and clearly meant to be “funny” is indicative of a major blind spot many feminists have with regard to race that’s continually handwaved away.

Personally, I’m exhausted by the idea that we have to accept other women’s racism/classism/cisgenderism simply because they identify themselves as “feminists” and sometimes talk about body image, abortion and equal pay. There is room for debate and discourse among women, and there needs to be space for critique of the

Fair enough, it seems like your definition of “double-standard” is different than how I’ve come to understand the term.

Yeah the problem is that if MSU created a “mens study” space and literally prevented women from stepping foot in it, you best believe it would be a Title IX violation. So how is this not a violation of that very specific law?

How dare you offer a nuanced take. We don’t truck with that sort of chicanery here! Shoo, begone!

Basic. Human. Empathy. It’s not a complex concept. No, a marriage isn’t ownership, but I assume most people are familiar with the idea of it and know inserting themselves into one is a fucked-up thing to do. I’m seriously agog you’re still defending this.

1) Yes, I’ve been cheated on. And the other woman, instead of being contrite, kept popping up in my life and confronting me. Because, all too frequently, it’s about getting self-esteem by “proving” you’re hotter/better than the wife/girlfriend. Which is why this pat little logic of only blaming the partnered person

Honestly, I hate that “oh it’s only the married person’s problem” moral-vacuum bullshit. Oh, my friend killed a guy, but I don’t know their life! I’m pretty sure the ring my boyfriend gave me was stolen, but that’s not my problem! My mom embezzled a bunch of money, let’s go shopping!

I still love Jezebel, but the only point of writing a headline like this is because it sounds better than “Hey, I liked this Rock movie where he’s playing a slightly more serious role than normal”

This felt like more of an attention grab and struck a nerve. We as women (not sure if you are, but speaking for myself)

If someone wrote that about a woman, we’d be furious. Why is it okay to do the same about men? Just curious.

You’re certainly casting judgment on her. Why is yours better and permissible just because you have a less negative judgment?

this is coming from someone who really does understand mental illness all up-close-and-personal-like: you really don’t know what you’re talking about. this girl understood what she was doing was wrong, but did it anyway because she wanted sympathy from people as the “grieving girlfriend”. she’s a dangerous person who

Ah nevermind, you’re a soulless, conscienceless troll, took me to scroll to hear to realize you’re just an asshole. Not as big as the murderer the article is about, but big enough asshole to defend assholes without realizing you yourself are, in fact, also an asshole.

You’re assuming that’s all that has been released, and all people here are basing their opinion on. That would be incorrect on both counts. The police in this case have been really transparent, and it is abundantly clear what they’re talking about and why.

That might be because you can’t see the difference between the illness and the criminal act. She’ll probably get a diagnosis and help for her condition if she has one. If they plan to use it as a defense then they’ll have to by law. What her illness was isn’t particularly relevant to the way this case will play out.


She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.