
I feel for her position, but I agree, And frankly, if dragging this out is causing her more suffering, then that should be taken into account if he ever gets sentenced. There's ultimately a reason why Western justice systems technically consider the crime to have been committed against the "state", not the person.

…that isn't what he said. He said you were reading his point of view in just about the least charitable way possible, to which you talked right past him about not being "charitable to a child rapist" and hurled a bit of completely unwarranted invective at him. He then corrected you, and hurled some invective right

It isn't a conspiracy theory. People who saw Lucas' original cut of the film have said that it was an absolute mess, displaying many of the directorial shortcomings that were front and center in the prequels decades later. They re-cut it, and made it work.

I've pieced together the gist of McCain's word salad - something about unequal treatment of the two investigations, and trying to make them analogous to one another. How he steadfastly made sure the Russia investigation was secret until after the election, but publicly commented on the Clinton email probe more than

You mean to tell me that Arianna Huffington - the person who built a financial empire on basically aggregating the work of others without paying for it - might be a bit of a garbage person?

At some point in the last 12 months, the AV Club (or their parent overlords) realized that cheap "Two Minutes Hate" articles about political and cultural figures, are both extremely easy to write (basically just weaponized snark for a few hundred words), and absolute click magnets.

At this point Nakamura is hurting his own main roster push, by not yet putting on a real barn burner of a match. I'm still shocked that his PPV debut match was just… fine… after they spent weeks trying to build up how special and transcendent he was.

It's your own fault for not filling out the form for direct deposit. I get my Marvel and Soros cash within a day at the most.

I'd be shocked if they even bothered calling their lawyer for this one.

"…they are bashing mere teenagers instead of facing up to the ferociously ugly face of conservatism, the Republican party, and Trump destroying our nation by the hour."

The first time I ever even heard of Saul Alinsky, was in the context of his being invoked as a liberal boogeyman.

Republicans usually hand wave that away, by saying that outlets like Fox News, or resources from the Kochs, are just inadequate counterbalances to a vast media landscape that is biased against them.

Are RAND the chemtrails people?

Conveniently shifting attention? You're aware that Andrew Sullivan has written extensively about what a dangerous, compromised asshole Trump is, right? I think Sullivan even admitted he would have voted for Clinton, and Sullivan is a legendary sufferer of Clinton Derangement Syndrome, going back to the 90s.

That isn't really a commentary on anything more than the short attention span of modern cable news, but there was days of coverage about the shooting all over the place back in January, when it happened. Even a far-right shithole like Breitbart acknowledged it happened in an article.

A small number of campus liberals determined that certain repugnant ideas constitute "violence" at their very utterance, thus allegedly threading the free speech needle, and therefore it's fair game to go to any and all lengths to make sure those ideas are not heard by anyone.

And people are gamely providing it for them. It only takes a few people getting violent to colour an entire incident with it - fairly or unfairly. Would we be so willing to delineate the difference, if it was right-wingers protesting liberal speakers, and a few knuckle-draggers got violent?

And she doesn't understand the basics of the legal system.

I thought what happened at Berkeley was shameful, as have been most of the other campus episodes around the country (what is going on at TESC the past few weeks is almost beyond belief, and it's pathetic that non-wingnut "news" sources have virtually ignored it, save for a couple of newspaper editorials). I suppose I

What is sending leaked documents to Moore going to do, that isn't done by giving those documents to the existing news media, aside from immediately taint any news that comes from him in the minds of millions, because it's Michael Moore?