Declaring victory isn't the same as "winning".
Declaring victory isn't the same as "winning".
It's like they've expanded and contracted the scope of his made-up powers over the decades, depending on what various writers over the years have wanted, or something!
Any TV person should be thrilled to have Trump on their show, provided they are going to ask him questions befitting of the fact that he's the most powerful politician in the country.
I don't really get where the FCC would enter into the Trump example. He made that statement in a secretly recorded conversation on a bus, not into a live mic on a television show.
Obama made many horrible appointments. Even Tom Wheeler, who wound up being great, was appointed after years of being a cable company lobbyist, and everyone expected him to be another Ajit Pai.
There's always a problem with "save the world" or "save the universe" stories, because it's inherently impersonal, and kinda has to be. I'm not sure it's possible to make audiences truly give a shit or feel the threat, when you're talking about the destruction of thousands of faceless planets.
I wouldn't go so far as your first paragraph - Starlord's plot with his dad was the binding that held the entire movie together pretty well. The theme of fathers in general, really, since that also bled into Yondu and Rocket's stuff. I do think the middle act of the film was pretty loosely scripted, but every…
It'll amount to nothing. I'm sure Ajit Pai (who is a piece of shit by the way, if you've followed the FCC the past few years like I have) just got a phone call from Trump telling him to do something about it. So Pai is making a bunch of noise to sound like he is.
Saw it last night, and I don't understand some of the more middling reviews at all (granted it's still over 80 on RT). Aside from a plot that isn't quite as tight as the first one, and a natural lack of "fresh-ness" that comes with the territory when you're a sequel, and not a surprise new property, I thought this…
"Man With Questionable Political Opinions Participates in Thing They Enjoy Doing, Takes Picture With Stranger"
This is literally the first I've ever heard of this show, and it sounds like an incredibly stupid idea that should never have left the board room.
Just got home from seeing this - it's awesome. The plotting is a little flabbier than the first one in a few places, but it more than makes up with it in commitment to the absurdity and wonderfulness that is the cosmic stage.
I agree with them that the show has never had a particuarly striking look overall, but the "boring and constipated" bit makes me think they stopped watching in Season 1.
Can't imagine that leather jackets and pants under television lighting feels great for anyone after a couple of hours.
The Inhumans project isn't being overseen by Marvel Studios (aka Kevin Feige's group). It's part of Marvel Television (aka Jeph Loeb's group), which includes Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows.
A couple of them do. The two dudes on the left actually remind me more of the Thor 1 costume design in Asgard.
This is kinda why I want to see an actual teaser before I give it too much thought - because it's impossible to get a read on what kind of look and tone they are going for here. Black Bolt is scowling, but that's pretty much his default facial position anyway.
I've never liked the Flash's leather outfit on the CW show, and the cowl makes his head look bulbous.
Medusa's outfit is the only one that jumps out at me as being aggressively bad looking in that still. The others are a bit… drab? But it's hard for me to judge that until I can see a trailer or something, and identify the look and tone of the show.
The Thor Ragnarok one looked like a Tiger Beat cover.