
I loved the shit out of the Mandarin swerve in that movie. I cannot understand people who don't. My theatre were killing themselves laughing when Ben Kingsley introduced himself as Trevor, while drinking a beer and watching soccer.

Don't forget Mercy Graves being unceremoniously blown up by Lex's wheelchair bomb.

From a "realistic" sense, most of the rest of the planet wouldn't care about that shit - they'd care about the godlike powers and leveling cities part.

Eh? There are all kinds of reasonable people left. There just aren't many shining, unambiguous "heroes" left - which is kind of the point of GRRM's writing.

There are going to be some upset fans if this ongoing ominous graveyard nonsense amounts to absolutely nothing but a "fake out", after a whole season of waiting and wondering.

I find Melissa McCarthy to be funny and charming in every interview I've ever seen her in. I think "Mike & Molly" was a legitimately funny show from time to time. I've heard "Spy" was actually pretty good.

The simple explanation is that this will probably be set off by Tony's own guilt for what he did in AoU. If that's the case, I hope there's at least a line from Cap (or whoever), noting that Ultron was his creation.

No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!

If they are operating on the principle that he didn't do what she says he did, then OF COURSE they are asking her to publicly state what she says happened, didn't. Because if they believe it didn't, it's 100% defamation in their view.

Yes, and thus it makes sense that any cessation of legal action, or nullifying of contracts, would accompany a demand that she retract what they consider to be slanderous, incredibly damaging allegations, and apologize for them.

I'd prefer more articles that actually dive into the legal nuance of what is going on here, which is far more important to the actual outcome of the case than internet comment sections venting more emotional heat about how much Dr. Luke or Sony can fuck themselves, for the 40th time.

I mean, doesn't this at least sort of make sense, if Dr. Luke's legal team are asserting that she's fabricating these allegations? Is it not a logical request if you believe your client is being slandered, to demand the accuser take back the allegations and apologize for them?

Did no one get that I was being incredibly sarcastic?

They never even dropped hints about the existence of this storage unit eight years ago during season 1. Don't they plan *anything* out on this show?

The funny thing is that if Christians ever faced *actual* persecution in the United States, the ACLU would probably be the first organization to step up to bat for them, legally speaking. The problem is that they aren't - legally, or morally.

Yeah, I think it's pretty clear that he wanted to take them all down while dying himself. Hence his "last act" being going to the carousel again to remember his family.

I mean, RDJ is so perfect as Stark, that RDJ himself actually appears to be acting more and more like Stark as time goes on.

Never understood what people could possibly dislike about Sara. Caity Lotz is also a martial artist, so she has some of the most convincing fight choreography on every Arrowverse show she's been on, too.

They did? It's a starship with like a thousands rooms, and a dozen floors on it. People couldn't make the leap and assume some non-descript door on the Enterprise led to the bathroom?

He was just another Savage to me - a fine casting, and a fine look, but dialogue and action that ruined the character. I think less would have been more, with that character.