
I remember when TLC was called "The Learning Channel, and it had a bunch of morning shows for kids I watched when I was young.

This would actually be a super interesting casting.

…there was a Charlie's Angels game?

Dany didn't know they were slaves. She thought she had re-opened the fighting pits for free men only.

I think it was to show that Reek's psychological torment goes quite deep, and being witness to one savage violation of a woman who was once a sister to him, isn't going to be enough to break that.

DC contesting this is ridiculous, but so is the idea of trademarking "Robyn" in the first place.

If it's an open platform, it's an open platform. There's not much more in the way of specifics that they need to get into.

Both of them can time travel, so they are kind of ageless, in a sense.

Barry's dad talking about the "natural order" didn't really make any sense, considering the event that Barry wanted to undo was only possible because of someone fucking with the natural order.

Aside from the headache inducing stuff about causality with Eddie killing himself, and how that related to Wells, this episode was a fucking A+. I actually yelled "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE IT HERE ALL SUMMER!" at the television when I realized it was over.

I actually yelled "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE IT THERE ALL SUMMER" at the television, haha.

Says the guy who claimed that on the Flash, people don't have to "deal with their problems" because they are fighting "digital monkeys".

I enjoy (good) comic book movies and TV shows. I also enjoyed Whiplash, Birdman, and several other "adult" movies last year.

Fighting telepathic gorillas means no one deals with interpersonal problems on the show! It has been decreed!

Mature adults watch sepiatoned crime procedurals and Gordon Ramsay yell at people!

It would NOT be held in the same regard as Spiderman 2 or X2. You're nuts. Green Lantern sucked, and I can still enjoy those first two movies today.

Losing the Flash/Agents of SHIELD/Person of Interest block on my Tuesdays, is going to leave a gaping hole in my life.

The most exciting part of this show, is that it unabashedly embraces the lunacy of the Flash's abilities, and rogues gallery.

I can't express how much I'm anticipating Ramsay getting a fucking pike through the eye.

I'd love to see a Hawkeye/Black Widow film, of them being all super-competent and secret agent-y.