
I get Kevin Sorbo doing one of these things, because he just needs the work, at this point. I get Nic Cage doing one, because evidently he will sign on to any script put in front of him, judging by his filmography.

Oh, and Katie Cassidy's acting during the discussion about what they are going to do after Lyla is kidnapped, features some of the worst, most hilarious deliveries of terrible lines I've ever heard in my life. Serious - go back and watch it again.

Well, after a strong episode or two, I suppose it was time to get back to completely unearned and poorly established narrative turns, absurd melodramatic conversations, and characters whose motivations don't make a ton of sense.

I'm trying to form a strong opinion about a 6 percent increase in film rental costs for German theatres, but I just… can't.

Glad to hear this, and I immediately thought of the several times in interviews that Whedon said his original edit of the film was over three hours long.

Kill Barbara off in the season finale, fire the writers, get a new showrunner, and try to scrape together something better with a cleaner slate in season 2.

I'm pretty sure the "Prophecy" bit was Azrael talking, wasn't it?

I found Deadshot easy - the second half of the first Bane fight, when you're on the roof, however, was a pain in the ass.

I actually think Origins had quite possibly the best story of the Arkham games so far.

So glad to see Janos Slynt get his head cut off, that mewling little shit. Also glad to finally reach the part where Cersei's power is diminishing rapidly, and more people are openly throwing shade.

- Ragnar not telling his closest friends about his plan was bullshit, and just a cheap way to generate dramatic tension, both in the episode, and between the characters. It makes no sense whatsoever. And having the characters give those epitaphs to Ragnar was also just manipulating the audience, even if they were

I kind of like that they are going for an almost live-action cartoon version of the joker, but yeah, some of those tattoos are kind of on-the-nose. It also means we are supposed to believe the Joker went top a tattoo parlor, and sat still while they tattooed a mouth on his arm.

Yeah, I really don't get the argument - is it because the film suit looks more "mechanical-y", and less form fitting? The traditional suit from the comics would be impossible to put in a live-action film (or it would look ridiculous).

Well, they are going to lose this one (or settle out of court). Mechanized exo-skeletons are not some new concept in anime (or in general), and the Iron Man suit is distinct enough that they probably don't have a case. Iron Man's suit also includes the iconic helmet design - does this other suit include as similar

You know what? I'd love to see the US Government dump $10 billion dollars into creating the best armored exo-skeleton they can, just to see what it looks like. They've wasted more money on less.

Morales would have been a fun casting for comics fans, but as a business decision, Marvel would be daft to do it. Peter Parker has ten billion times the built-in name recognition with generations of people.

This makes me sad, because Clark Gregg was pretty clearly thrilled with his character being brought back to life, and getting his own series as part of the MCU.

He wasn't there for a personal discussion - he was there as part of a press junket for a movie. If journalists don't want to be part of that soul-crushing machine, then they shouldn't show up - you don't ambush an actor, of all people, with questions about previous substance abuse, and his father.

What an asshole that interviewer was. These people are actors, not politicians who need to have their feet held to the fire. He was there to promote a movie, you schmuck - not talk to someone about painful events from his past.

I think she COULD be intriguing, but all she is in the flashbacks is "Maseo's wife, who occasionally swords people to death". They also did no story building around what exactly she's been doing since their son died.