
Nolan, like it or not, you made a fairly hard sci-fi movie. I'd take the critiques from astrophysicists as a badge of honour, because it means they cared enough to pick those nits in the first place.

Ernie, no offense, but you weren't integral to those movies. You were essentially a gag joke - a bunch of friends/scientists, and then a guy off the street who just wants a job. You also functioned as the viewer's POV to all of the exposition around how the Ghostbusters did what they did. That's pretty much it.

Saw that screen grab and thought it was Roman Sionis/Black Mask for a brief second. Kind of stunned that he isn't on the show already, pre-mask.

Won't buy it, but I think it's neat. I'd strongly consider buying a Seinfeld Lego set of Jerry's apartment, or a set of the interior of Firefly, or a set of the Star Trek TNG bridge.

I know this is sacrilege, but… I'm kind of getting tired of Felicity's schtick. They are making her a one-dimensional on-screen presence, who only exists to either cry about something, or do the whole "nervous and adorable" song and dance for the ten thousandth time. As her role on the show has gotten bigger and

I'd give this episode a solid B+. We finally see some of the larger game in what the hell Penguin is doing, Montoya and Allen finally get to not be annoying characters, and Falcone finally comes across as actually being wiser than he looks. Victor Zsasz was well cast, and his use in the story wasn't bad.

Same reaction. I think the henchmen were just more confused as to why he was doing what he was doing, not having a moment of gay panic.

James Gunn did what he could with Guardians, with the knowledge that he was making a big budget movie, that therefore needed a big-budget return on investment. Considering that, I think Marvel Studios gave him a remarkable amount of freedom to be weird.

I suggest buying Lawrence Krauss' book "The Physics of Star Trek", for a pretty great explanation of time dilation, and how it would work in space travel.

Booster Gold probably calls himself "Flying Space Jesus".

I thought the first Abrams Trek film was entertaining enough, but not because it had a good script. Into Darkness was just schlock, however.

Kurtzman and Orci are involved with this? Might as well just cancel it now. Two of the worst hack script writers currently working, period.

Personally, I think Gambit makes more sense as part of an ensemble in the X-Men movies, not his own standalone. But like I said - they make these decisions based on what they THINK will sell tickets. Didn't say they always hit the mark, haha.

A Gambit movie with lots of acrobatics, the goofy Cajun accent, and the trademark staff/coat/articulated body armor, could be a lot of fun. Focus on his thieving roots, and it could be great.

They make these movies based on what they think will sell tickets. You're not likely to see a Psylocke stand alone movie, until they see that movies like Wonder Woman - a far more well-known and well-loved female superhero - can make bank. Black Panther and Captain Marvel will also be interesting social experiments

Gambit has always been a pretty popular character. Was anyone begging for a Guardians of the Galaxy movie, before Marvel showed how one could work?

I personally have no issue with Tatum, but I agree that Kitsch was fine. He was just given nothing to work with. I thought he had the voice fine, and the look more or less fine - he just happened to be in a movie where his pivotal scene was him flying a personal aircraft, and not much else.

I think Maher is kind of a blowhard, but he was a blowhard long before this commencement invitation, and his opinions on religion (or Islam specifically), have also been known for years - agree or disagree with them.

I also liked how they went the Black Widow route with Skye playing him the wholetime, when most TV shows would have made her the gullible, doe-eyed idiot who believes every word Ward is saying. And the show was clearly playing that up with the cuts between conversations. Showed some actual growth in Skye as a

80% of TV shows would have already been well on their way to a Ward redemption arc, so yeah, it's believable that the writers really had intended to shift his allegiance back to SHIELD.