
LOL if you find yourself wearing fucking Blue Lives Matter underwear, you have to step back and ask what went wrong in your life. My guess is: quite a bit.

FFS Megan, no one cares if you’re comfortable. 

You got to remember too that there was NO cap on tickets reserves. People keep thinking that its all the Tik Tok people to blame but anyone could have gone to the arena, requested a ticket, and walked in. That was what the overflow was for.

This was an unfortunate pair of article titles to be posted back to back. Also, RIP

Fuck you for trying to remove racism for what’s going on in this story, at Refinery 29 and, in Fashion.

Is it still misogyny when one women is doing it to another? Sounds like the accusation here was racism, not sexism. 

The inevitable consequence of allowing ‘both sides’ when one side is fucking racist.

Cotton has the right to his opinions... I suppose. He does not have the right to have them published in the New York Times. So Cotton, Bennett and assorted apologists should kindly fuck off.

I’m sorry but while Snoop is black, he’s also extremely connected and has money. How could he -not- have known all of these years that he has what 95% of people with records don’t, the means ($$$$) to get his voting rights back? I’m happy that he’s woken up and all but I don’t give hero cookies to people who don’t

This is great. I hope all our people realize this election is all about Trump. I hope The Root will focus on being as anti-Trump as possible and not meticulous about Biden or whoever he picks as his VP. The hard truth young Black voters are realizing is Obama, sadly, could very possibly be a once in a lifetime

Maybe saving people a few clicks.
Deadnaming occurs when someone, intentionally or not, refers to a person who’s transgender by the name they used before they transitioned. You may also hear it described as referring to someone by their “birth name” or their “given name.”

I mean, he did trip and the same way that someone might trip and fall after getting shoved down a flight of stairs.

EXACTLY! At least 20 offices had to agree to say that he tripped after WATCHING HIM GET PUSHED. That’s not 2 bad apples, that’s the whole fucking force - that’s systemic.

You left out a key element of this. The official report first stated that the man “tripped and fell”... that Is, until the video emerged.

“Two officers have been suspended”

Both the LA Times and the Washington Post are far more responsible and reliable news sources. Personally, I no longer consider the Times the “paper of record,” as I trust the Post far more.

Buildings Matter, Too? Are you fucking kidding me?

I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White

I wonder how often a police department for a city with a population of 70,000 actually needs a Lenco BearCat.