Yeah, this is another one of those Trump/Kelly stories that tells you as much about Kelly as it does Trump.
Yeah, this is another one of those Trump/Kelly stories that tells you as much about Kelly as it does Trump.
“… All I could think was, ‘What just happened? Surely Kim Jong-un did not just mark me!?’”
I heart Naomi. Sis quietly does her thing, reps both aspects of her heritage without putting one over the other and kicks ass with a style and grace beyond her years.
I agree completely. Not that I’ll ever be on a talk show of any kind (except maybe the one in Rupert Pupkin’s basement), but I drank heavily for 30 years, and my first year of sobriety quietly passed without fanfare a week ago (after countless attempts to stop over the past 15 years or so). If some one became insistent…
Not to mention when they’re on camera, they’re working. It’s inappropriate in so many ways.
Pressuring someone to drink alcohol is ~never, ever~ funny or okay. There are SO MANY reasons people can’t drink, whether its addiction, religion, pregnancy, health issues, medication, or any other of a vast array of morals or mental/physical health concerns. Whichever of those things it is, it’s absolutely none of…
Her stylist has to be a Democrat. There is no other plausible explanation.
Why do I get the feeling this was just an attempt to poison the well by Spencer? The right’s whole thing these last few years has been blatant trolling, and this just feels like a particularly hamfisted attempt.
Well....maybe the kid had an effect after all:
Here’s what i love too about, once again, her and her Republican hypocrisy. She states “This is just more proof that the out of control cancel culture wants to shut out anyone who disagrees with them. It’s clear that the league is more concerned with playing politics than basketball.
“Loeffler seems to be unaware that what she calls cancel culture in this situation is actually called an election, a pillar of democracy in which more than one candidate is able to secure votes.”
It wasn’t hard to believe a baseball owner invited him. Not like the players or coaches would have a say.
“Our racism is polite and happens behind closed doors. It’s subtle and buried deep in policy changes and laws. Being an obnoxious racist in public is so undignified and low class. We can’t be associated with such shenanigans.”
Who would want to be associated with a senile, racist, misogynistic, crass, corrupt, criminal TV president, who threatens public health and democracy? Also, Donald Trump is pretty bad, too.
Who would win in a fight, my analysis:
It fucking HAS to be.
I’m more concerned about that 53% of Americans thinking cops have the most important job in the country. That has to be total BS, right?
I’ve said it before, but I cannot wait for Fauci to be named Time’s “Man of the Year”, cited in large part due to his work “in spite of the Trump administration’s downplaying (i.e., willful misconduct) of the virus”, or something like that. That’ll be what finally causes Cheetolini to stroke out.