For that commute lol
For that commute lol
I live in Weatherford and am a manager at the Walmart where I suppose he did his measurements for the front end. I haven’t seen this yet, but I can’t wait! If he ever wants to come find me and pretend that there’s a concern in the parking lot😉 I would love to check it out closely lol
I've actually seen one of these in Texas, except it had the (mile-long) taillights in the corners of the bed instead of on the body above the bed. Also, it was a maroonish-red but I like the blue better.
Gonna have to be something that has been around a while but will always be releasing new models, so any American pickup, 911, WRX, etc. I'm thinking Ford F-Series. No, wait; WRX. AWD, coupe/sedan/wagon, turbo, Japanese reliability. Yeah, WRX.
I bought a used car for $2400 cash at night and was more afraid of being stopped by the cops and accused of drug dealing than I was of the car being a lemon.
lol Even as a child, I was a little disconcerted by Speed Buggy's expressions while being worked on. Still loved that show though. Vroom-a-zoom-zoom!
Gonna be a '92-'96. I had a '91 and it was the last year of the blocky rectangle headlights. My guess is this is a '93-'94 but definitely a '92-'96 extended cab.
Jazz and Baxter here lol
Like I said, we always used blockers or raced on empty roads (and never wrecked, especially across 4 lanes with traffic), but even then I knew it was a bad idea but let youthful indiscretion overrule my common sense. The point is, even when being an idiot, be safe about your idiocy lol
Now that I think about it, how does new tires mean whitewalls in the front and blackwalls in the rear? Still, $900 for an RV ain't bad.
I would pay $900 for that also if you add a toilet.
A mobile toilet for $900? Who cares if it doesn't leave first? That thing's just begging for a drivetrain swap anyway! Nice Price!
This question is biased. I live in Texas.
Sounds like a great car, but that new front end reminds me of the first-gen Neon ads. "Hi." lol
Ummm NP. Don't we usually have a poll for these? Format change or formatting mistake?
Salesman as he realizes he's making the sale: "No dog food for Victor tonight" lol
Dumbass. I understand he was videoing out of admiration, but you need to focus on driving first, especially around bikes. Kinda glad he got his ass kicked. He's lucky they didn't pull a "Jack Black in Anchorman" and punt his dog off the bridge lol
Idiots who race in traffic and wreck themselves, then shoot across all 4 lanes of traffic and wreck themselves again deserve to go down. He is extremely lucky he didn't take out any of the innocent drivers he was flying past (or diagonally across). I have done my own share of streetracing and have wised up since then,…
Sad that the driver gets the blame when he took a purpose-built escape road. The spectators knew the danger when they went past the sign and barrier onto an ESCAPE ROAD at a rally, which is a very dangerous event for one to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Am I the only one seeing a "Cars"-ish face in those eyeholes under the windshield?