Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust takes the cake
Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust takes the cake
Nice. Only thing that ruining my X-55 is software, hopefully Logitech will improve it.
I want Denuvo to fall, but not because of piracy. DRM is irritating, especially when the game is aging. By the time Mankind Divided turn 5 years Denuvo servers will be unavaliable, or new Windows will change something that will break anti-tampering. Been there done that with every DRM. Even Remedy released STEAM Max…
Underground from AC: Syndicate was a great closing song. The essence of London atmosphere with very stong male vocals and lyrics.
So let me get this straight.
Regardless of his experience with Squre- look at all the veteran developers there. Almost everyone like Nomura was treated with care even taking into account huge flops like FF XIII Versus development. Yes there was some drama with Spirits Within and Hironobu Sakaguchi, but nothink like Kojima-Konami trainwreck.…
I love premium gaming products even if they pricey (hey, i’m a sim guy), but 150 here is indeed too much. You can buy a decent wheel or top-of-the-line stick (X52) for around the same amount of money. And needless to say, wheels and sticks are a little more complex than even shiny, but just a gamepad. Same goes with…