Shai Hawkins

You can think the moon is made of gouda — according to mandates set out by OCR and the White House — it absolutely does meet that standard. What is painted ON the bedsheets is considered harassment.

I couldn’t believe they were saying they were have fun and then completely “it’s college”

Yesterday I attended orientation for a conservative Roman Catholic graduate school program, which included a presentation given by a young guy, about how it is the school’s job to make eeveryone feel safe and included and that “all of the stuff you’ve seen in the news about college football players being given a pass

They are still students, they are still chapter members, and they are presenting an environment hostile to education attainment as it accords to gender as it relates to Title IX and the OSU Student Code of Conduct.

Um, Those students are violating Title IX. So, thanks for playing.

Yes, yes, #notallmen, we know. But since the #men who are #notall tend to not point out why this shit is not OK to the ones who DO do this shit, we do it ourselves. Because when it doesn’t get pointed out, it continues and gets worse. How do you think stuff like this eventually comes to the national attention? It

I want you to know that you are succeeding at your goals here and you definitely aren’t making yourself look more defensive and more pathetic with each subsequent post!

Or they could be a center-left fashion, media, and women’s issues blog pointing out a pervasive women’s issue - that their sexual identity is a point of predation and mockery, not any kind of respect. It leads to hurt women, hurt men, and severe damage to all genders. Or, y’know...

Typical mail behavior.

If the fruit’s hanging low, you may as well pick it. That’s kind of the point of fruit, bro.

Despite what you read in the media and anecdotal evidence aside, sexual activity among adolescents has been declining every year since the early 90’s. While they perhaps KNOW more, today's teens are statistically less sexually experienced than their parents were.