
All the blatant Odin stuff surrounding Mat's luck, the riddles, the spear/halberd, the hanging etc. was really fun for a character that started out as party balancing requisite-smart-ass :) I can't comment on the later books but I liked Perrin when he split from Rand et al, went all wolfy and organised the backwoods

Like a lot of folks it seems, I got through eight or nine books and gave up when I realised my interest in certain characters was never going to be rewarded. Somewhen, and somewhere in the middle of Lan Rand becoming Broody McBroodsalot, I just wanted to jettison him into the sun and have the whole series be Perrin,

Seems like Jeremy Irons has a worse faberge egg addiction than Bleeding Gums by the amount of "fuck it, it's work" flicks he turns up in. Still, can't dislike the guy, he's too much fun :)

This is indisputably a call for the further diminishment of metaphysical masculinity! It is part of a coordinated program to diminish divine father figures and will ultimately lead to the breakdown of the nuclear pantheon

Probably they think rapping is for SJW-types like POC/hippies/beatniks/slam poets, so you might be a non-starter unfortunately… :(
Frankfurt gets brought up by the 'cultural marxist'-slingers of GG and alt-right who have a little more reading, but haven't read the people in question. Anger seems to flow from the

You should be proud to have such a rich and varied history of terrible for such a young country! :D Serious though, I've been listening to this show since this article ran, and I never got the impression that they're smug, more that they like to riff on the disbelief schtick hard. Would like to hear some other

Eh, people like to see others put their talents into practice at a high level and to get some insight into what motivates people who dedicate themselves to a singleminded pursuit


Hall and Floats

Dock Bown

Masty McFloat

*furious research

Can only speak as a 90's dumpster baby, and I never understood Clapton reverence. Since I've grown up in the UK, the only impression I got was that he's wheeled out on big public occasions to play a big hit like Layla half-heartedly. Clearly he doesn't give a shit, why should I?
Cream are great, no doubt. I have a

Kyuss are really great, was super obsessed when I was 17-20 but I've found myself listening to Queens of the Stone Age more, recently, because I like Josh Homme singing and songwriting better.

From Mastodon, go check out Baroness, Clutch, Orange Goblin, Scissorfight, Kyuss. Enjoy ;)

Only if I did something unforgivably gRoss

As far as I can reckon, it's some kinda "land Turtle". Didn't used to be too many made it this far east. Least 'til that Ms. Love turned up…

No, not the book title, rather the entertainment media franchise of the same name. You're right pop culture isn't immovable, and yet in each incarnation of GITS thus far these questions have been posited in a Japanese context. Each has been informed by Japanese technological and social concerns of its day.

All I'm trying to articulate is something like: if you change specific details of character and setting, if you dumb it down, or replace component parts wholesale, then what you have made is either a) Not Ghost in the Shell b) Not good Ghost in the Shell.
All I conclude is that the title will have been used cynically

No, indeed they aren't limited but adapting those themes under the title Ghost in the Shell should reflect the social and cultural context which gave rise to the title.