
Daryl Morey, notedly averse to information

Hard pass! I don’t care if they updated all the computers with Goose Simulator, this is still an ACME rocket that someone Trump-Markered “not a” in front of “Explosion Hazard!” This whole drama is “Chernobyl” with more airplanes and less accountability!

Oh they knew about it before then. Even Jalopnik knew before them!

And who gets to ‘certify’ it’s return-to-flight qualifications? The FAA...or the FAA by way of Boeing telling them it’s all good?

Seems like a good time to remove airlines using the 737 from my flight options. 

Rest easy travelers!!!  Boeing pinky swears that everything is fine and the plane won’t fall out of the sky this time!!


Sorry, but the bloodshed ranking is Bush, then Obama, then Trump.

Fuck off, Tomato.

oh look, another dumb fucking asshole that is being forced to read Splinter! you poor centrists, I feel sooooo bad for you!


That’s true - Obama is a blood-soaked war criminal too.

Love your screen name.   Yep.   Anyone who thinks Bush is somehow better than Trump is an idiot. 

Read a history book you fucking idiot. Bush hates America. That’s why he got our nation involved in a quagmire in Iraq to make defense contractors rich.  You are stupid and should read a few history books before you ever think about giving your opinion again.  

stfu boomer

Yeah, but we also brought all our favorite Nazi scientists here to help us get to space so I feel like everything has always been garbage and we should all be shot into the sun.

Bush didn’t act alone. He didn’t invade Iraq by himself, or build Guantanamo, or conduct any waterboarding. Americans did.

“Sure, Trump might have done some things I disagreed with, but he was respectable compared to President Baked Alaska!” - all of the dumbfucks defending this photo in 6 years

Being acceptable to W as president because of Trump is like being cool with the Kaiser because of Hitler.