Triggered much?
Triggered much?
And Jim Sterling did cry tears of joy on this day.
One of my favorite things to do at work is to simply respond with the forwarded email that contains whatever they said that they’re now claiming they didn’t say.
No KojiPro’s fault, Konami fucked him (and us) royally on MGSV.
here’s hoping
kojima manages to hit peak uncomfortable surrealism for me with these trailers. i am so creeped out and fascinated at the same time.
Did he also say “Thank God for me”?
I’d wager it was a utilization of the word puckish derived from Puck, the mischievous fairy from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, a term that is commonly used to refer to a trickster or clever sort, ie, a ‘puckish rogue’, a term used to self-descrive the protagonist of Saints Row IV.
When you think about it, it makes sense that it doesn’t work well on androids.
And it’s all the fault of one kid.
Oh my God. That would be an amazing show. Just nothing but devs dropping the banhammer on cheaters. I would watch that daily.
I am completely floored that KLK is ok for you but foodgasms for all sexes in food wars was bad. Maybe the first episode was pretty bad as an intro, but everyone is pretty much barbie doll bodies and swimming in food sparkly happiness, guys and gals. KLK is so much for the male gaze I have serious issues sitting down…
I found that as I went on in Food Wars the perviness spread-out just enough that I felt okay with it - men as well as women have their foodgasms, and the children who show up for the one challenge don’t, which was... reassuring.
Thanks for the rec! That’s what’s turned me off from Food Wars (and I’m saying this as a Kill la Kill fan).
Basic destroy is the equivalent of ME2 Shep dies ending. Pre-DC the Synthesis ending required you to do almost everything. The “Shepard Lives” piece was purely an easter egg.
Holy crap, Leeroy looks good.
I was going to go watch the movie with my friends, but my friend Leroy went to see it before we could, and it just ruined the whole experience.
Years of hollow hype and months of flashy trailers aimed at getting non-World of Warcraft players into theater seats…