
John is not fireproof, this has been established in the show, Dany is the only fireproof Targ known and in the books she’s not actually fireproof anyway according to GRRM. As for DrogonDragons are intelligent, more intelligent than men according to some maesters.” I think whether he comprehended or not is left to

Bunch of cherry picked photos to prove evil mr drumpf wrong, fuck me I’m sure I could go pick some beautiful shots of Nazi Germany, do you think it would convince the sycophants it was a beautiful, ethical country? The worst of it is Conan had Bill Clinton on his show very recently. The Clinton Foundation has done

You do realise that the BBC and Mark Thompson of NYT have a history of covering up child sex rings?

Right fair enough the harassment is unacceptable but that’s not an excuse to not combat any criticism of her views, she won’t debate Milo why exactly?