
Kinja’s censorship also blows.

Wow, didn’t think it was possible for these to get uglier. Looks like a Honda and Toyota melded together.

Good god, not more damn glassholes.


Why is Greg Hardy bad?

Nope. No expectation of privacy in SOMEONE ELSE’S car.

Watching that video gave me an acid flashback.

Glassholes 2.0.

You are a complete and utter idiot at best, and a sniveling misinformation agent at worst. Congrats on promulgating bullshit today.

Because the West is the Best, baby.

Because they're not.

Stoopid. Everyone knows Apple kicks Android’s ass.

Lol! M3 wagon? Nope!

You some kind of doctor? Congratulations on your creation of the latest bit of Gawker bullshit.

Right, SURE they are, you sniveling warmonger.

I do not concur. Hilary’s van should be called LIES, SELF-INTEREST AND DECEPTION.

Good fucking riddance.

The sofa, yes. A Miata car, NOPE.


Bro...get your vision tested.