
Keep dispensing these fluff-piece, bullshit posts, Gawker! You’re doing very well in driving your readership away! Right on!!

How about “no.”

Like, yikes!

Now THAT is a perfect save. Nicely done, sir.

Bad move on part of tow driver. Reminds me of an incident I had on 110 South in near downtown Los Angeles one night.

No, they would lack integrity for disguising an apology piece as a “review,” if that’s indeed the case.

It's unfortunate that you guys can't just admit you're wrong when you're wrong. It's disingenuous and kind of ruins it for the reader.

Well said.

You're obviously not a reporter. Sit down, son.

“ is not standard procedure to kick a journalist out and it does seem as though GM has vented all their frustration over not being able to keep a secret in our direction....”

“[The Camaro] may not be your favorite, but you’re deluding yourself if you don’t think it pushed the Mustang and Challenger and Charger to be better cars. Competition is a good thing.”

Jalopnik has been pushing this completely underwhelming Camaro since it’s been out, even though it looks horrible.

Whether I’m an “engineering car designer” or not is irrelevant. The knowledge of such a thing unfortunately doesn’t help the case of this underwhelming, committee-designed-and-thus-compromised Camaro one bit. The bland and common critical reception of this “design” in the public is testament to that.

Fixed that for you.

Notwithstanding the fact there are some who simply prefer vintage stuff, nothing about seeing the car “in person” is going to fix a bad design.

Ok, so should we then just do what these funny Jalopnik bloggers are doing, and just keep smiling and pretending this Camaro actually looks good?

Ok then, is it ok to complain that THE ENTIRE DESIGN ITSELF sucks?

Nope. That the car looks like shit ALSO matters.

Sorry, but this obviously committee-designed crock is a big FAIL.

Womp, WOMP.