
While I agree with your take, I think this really comes down to the player. I played the original. I’ve tried the hd remaster on ps3... this one is just way better. But again, I am jaded in having gone through the journey on its original system.

wow you would think they would want to hype us up more than that

Good. While I don’t fault Brock for doing the deal he did.... I hate that he’s not there monthly to defend and weekly to promote

I thought she might have not supposed to have fallen out when she did.... she did stay down quite a while. But if that was the planned spot I agree with you. Too short

Smackdown tag match was lame. No point in2 out of 3 if you sweep two pins super quick

To be fair. Steph did call him on that

Keep in mind she’s now the bar for longest time ever in a women’s rumble match. So while she didn’t win, she’s a record holder

Agreed. My fave moment was that comment and little Rey coming out

Exactly. She was rumored to be in it and possibly number 30

Exactly. Thunder not stollen. Gauntlet laid down.

True.... Lesnar v Reigns and Flair v Rousey are simply bigger news worthy draws.

Exactly. Flair vs Rousey cab be plastered on a billboard in new orleans and generate media buzz.

How’d it ruin her moment? She still won the first women’s rumble. She still got her celebration. She just didn’t pick which champ she wanted to fight. She’s still unbeaten in singles matches and rolling to a title run.

could not agree more. game is a masterpiece. i need to go back to it as Zelda took me away from it.... but aloy and rost do succeed in making you care for them. very well done.


Guess you havent played Sonic Mania yet. Plays just as good as the ps4 or xbox one version.

Arm Wrestling

See the PS2 games for how they could mess up so badly.

If they do it in 3 packs i might skip x7 and x8.