
Predecessor to Ocarina of Time: Master Quest???

How hard is it to like something different? (Assuming it’s not sticker star 2.0)

I hope this isn’t Sticker Star 2.0. How hard is it to just follow the TTYD formula?

Sony is incompetent. See Vita for more information.

To me it isn’t even Fallout or Skyrim sales that would hurt Sony. The reason the PS4 sold better is because Sony seemed to care about gamers, but with recent decisions, it seems like they don’t care as much as they pretended to, while MS has done all they can to assure games that they do care. But not letting Mod

I can tell you what they are doing. Pissing off gamers.

The mods are curated by Bathesda, it’s not all player submitted content. You’re not going to get Fallout 4 the Red Dong mod on the PS4 or Xbox One. If this was really a concern don’t you think Microsoft would have been concerned? No, this is a corporate decision, they want a closed network where every piece of content

wow so I have a gaming pc but tend to play consoles b/c it’s easier to game in the living room. I do have the steam link and steam controller. I also have an xbox one, ps4 and wiiU.

I actually really enjoyed my ps4 but the xbox one is looking more and more attractive after all these disappointments. Wtf is sony doing

Yeah, but it all would have taken place in a motel room with copious amounts of hallucinogens.

...and a new conspiracy theory is born.


Hunter S. Thompson would have considered this a completely normal trip through the drive-thru.

I believe in a thing called love.

Drugs are a hell of a drug.

I choose to believe this story, because I like to believe in love.

I’ll cut the cake.

He's waiting for someone to gift him the first game. The man wants to play the games in chronological order.