Gin In My Teacup

such a cute photo!


Yesss, they look like an A-list Hollywood starlet and baseball player who just got hitched. So happy.

My dad in 1986.

Some version of the following is a refrigerator magnet in the break room at work:

hh, I’ll play!

I must be getting old, because I pretty much went “Ew.” and scrolled down as quickly as possible to read the comments. Or maybe I still “got it" but HATE when food and bodily fluids are in the same sentence?

Me reading the Tyga lyrics.

This needs more stars!

Right? These egos are just so amazingly fragile, and I’m not sure I’ve had the chance to see one devolve so magically, so clearly, in front of a rolling camera.

But I don’t think Kaitlyn can handle the truth. She’s not half as hot as my ex-girlfriend

Sadly Richard Gilmore won’t be in it


WHOA. Holly never signed a NDA? I know this is not my best moment, but......

See, I sort of have mixed feelings about that. Obviously it made her feel uncomfortable which is not good, but in the real world (without cameras) that would be a totally valid question to ask someone. Especially if the roles were reversed.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to believe that fondling little girls while they’re asleep is no big thing. They keep insinuating that it’s fine because they were asleep. This is like saying it’s better to rape a girl who is blacked out than one who is sober.

“he told me the bible says its okay to poop in your hand then eat it but i’m not allowed to read so idk”

“sometimes I take a poop in my hand and then eat it”

I honestly think it just fit my body better. (though full disclosure: I realized I actually have the “Keeper”, not the “Moon Cup”. You can buy them from the same site and I got confused.) I never felt like I got the Diva Cup in right; it felt uncomfortable and leaked a lot.

True. Still, if it were one of my exes, I would’ve let him wallow in self-pity and write all the songs he wants about me. I don’t have time to play to an ex’s insecurities and years old hurt feelings.