Gin In My Teacup


I need to scrub it with some feed of kittens.

I would rather not analyze it.

Seriously, I'm still scratching my head on that one...

the squib Weasley brother

asking only because i haven’t seen it yet - where is she on a scale of 1 to Simon/alex?

When the mental image pops into my head, all I can hear is my inner conscience screaming KILL IT WITH FIRE! because I’m pretty sure that dude is what a pile of my dirty gym laundry came to life and grew a head.

I only managed to get through this episode by reading several sites about what to expect and then fast-forwarding those scenes. I read the books years ago and know what happens; I don’t need to see it, too. On a lighter note, did anyone else chuckle at the thought of what a popular lady Jamie’s mother was? Enough so

I’m convinced Jesus is real, because there is no way double sided sticky tape is that powerful. That tape had some footprint on the sand moments where sometimes they were both holding kim’s boobs, and sometimes the tape faltered, and that's when Jesus carried Kim's boobs.

You’re kidding, right? She has a jawline like Rickard Kiel and I have no idea what she’s supposed to convey with that facial expression.

Men are always obsessing over what goes into a woman’s vagina and always amazed and squeamish by what comes out.

I’m still of the, very unpopular, opinion that he wasn’t trying to slut-shame Andi so much as make sense of what had happened. And, if you believe the way it was portrayed, Andi refused to to talk to him any other time except on the show. Either way, almost all sources call Andi a high-strung bitch.

Kate you forgot to mention that awful asshole Nick from Andy’s season is I love Kaitlyn and all but Nick??? Ew!!

I am a RH junkie, and even I have a hard time with the Melbourne cast. I mostly watch in anticipation of when Gina finally reveals that she is actually a man in drag.

I feel like you’re probably better off.

my parents were craft service on that show “Method and Red” on FOX. As like a 16 year old (I’m 27 now), I would frequently come and work doing craft service shit for them unofficially, and unpaid on whatever show they were working on. I did it as a favor to them, but also I was coming out to see friends in LA that I

Noted Fashion Photographer Nigel Barker?

"Be cool. Don't be all, like, uncool."