Gin In My Teacup

Ahaa no escape. It’s because Ed Sheeran is made of rainbows and chocolate chip cookies and now that’s been SULLIED. WE WERE NOT PREPARED.

Hahaha just so foul.

What in the good fuck is “sucking the farts out” good god.

He’s like that boyfriend you have in high school that treats you like shit but you don’t know any better and he’s the “life of the party” so you stick around. MISTAAAAAAKE. She should know better. I’m also clueless as to why they’re together. Maybe opposites attract?

Hahahaaaa, I don’t remember this! Did she actually just go for a jog in the middle of New York traffic? What a legend.

Yeah I don’t know if she’s having a hard time being a decent human being with all of her divorce crap, but that was pretty over the top zero fucks given to common courtesy. Although I understand her lack of patience concerning the subject.

hahahaaaaaaaaa all the lulz.

Ahmagad. I could barely get through this episode. I started reading your re-cap on my phone with my back turned to the show because I couldn’t take any more. So sensi! Mr. Teacup came in and was all “I know you’re crying in here. Are you watching your Scottish show?”. Victory shouts when Claire beans that foul scumbag

Gilmore Girls!

Noooo this makes me so sad. Tell me more though.

But why the fuck is she kissing that dink Nick in the “this season" montage thing. He has the sexual chemistry of a teaspoon.

Agree hundo percent. He's pretty dreamy.

LuAnn would be an absolute smokeshow if she changed her hair.

I KNOW. How long do you think this takes and how much hairspray? How much teasing? My hair is just up or down, no product so I know nothing.

Right? “So we really don’t know what came about.” Really Pitbull? Pretty sure the bruises and blood on Rihanna’s face are what came about. I TIRE of you.

Ahhh I see. Thanks! I’ll go catch up in archives.

Yeah she carried on way less last year and wasn’t a snot rocket to everyone. What is this Crackerjacks thing that’s going over my head? I want in.

Hahaha. And you know what else? Even though I have smackers, I tried that TooFaced lip plumper gloss that the internet said she used because greed? Bigger is better? I’m a slave to trends 17 year olds are making? I have little lines/wrinks all over my lips, they’re not bee-stung and firm if that makes sense, they’re

Right? She had an itty bitty gob. I have full lips, but if I didn’t, I’m sure I’d be about it. Or at least the pauper version.

We do.