Hey, I’m also Facebook friends with that guy!
Hey, I’m also Facebook friends with that guy!
I get that many people are simply naive, but I suspect that it comes more from denial than an outright inability to understand.
Punishment does nothing but offer the masses (us) guilt free pleasure at the suffering of another. That’s all they really want. They don’t really care all that much about this topic. They just want their daily dose of schadenfreude.
The police don’t exist to protect and serve citizens. They exist to protect the establishment and serve the status quo. The psychopath is to blame because they know what might happen, but the state is just as much to blame for consistently allowing it to happen with or without any psychopaths.
FFVIII was risky compared to almost any other Final Fantasy. And, overall, it worked. But the fan reaction, like yours, which wasn’t ready for something different, led to the end of Squaresoft taking big risks in their games. After the Spirits Within movie tanked the company and it had to merge to survive, all that…
I don’t know the truth of the matter (who does anyway), but there was a guy claiming to be native to the area who said that this is all basically just a constructed narrative about the porgs. The puffins live in the area seasonally and leave in the fall. When Disney arrived on scene they were there, but by the time…
You’re getting too caught up in the details. Stories are about ideas. They’re about relationships. They’re about people. They’re not about names and dates. Did you have to learn history as a sequence of names and dates? How interested were you in that class?
If you could patent game mechanics, then Wizards of the Coast would have sued Blizzard when Hearthstone was first released. Thankfully, you can’t do that or there’s be maybe a few dozen video games in the world.
I helped managed an anime store for a few years. Every time a black guy came in I expected him to wander over the the Dragonball section, and every time without fail that’s exactly what happened. After a couple years of this my roommate (at the time) finally came to the store. He was a big black guy; the kind that…
The Final Fantasy series has a lot of catchy tunes that get into your head and stay there, not unlike marketing jingles. Uematsu is a hero of mine, but his music isn’t being made for a sophisticated audience, so it’s going to be fairly simple to listen to. It’s kind of like pop in that way. FFXII has a more…
I mean, it’s not surprising.
The Adams are good folk. I attended their panel in San Antonio earlier this year and was blown away that this was even happening. As an indie designer for tabletop roleplaying game, I was curious what we could do to develop a game with therapy in mind, so we’ve been in contact with them since talking about our alpha…
As a rehabilitated bard I can vouch for everything you said. Never go bard.
Being so close to Mexico, it’s not surprising my state went for Sombra.
You can only play it up to floor 10.
They didn’t want a character in their game to have the voice of someone who expressed those views. It’s simple. If you’re on the receiving end of JonTron’s hateful diatribes, then that voice is going to remind you of how unwelcome you are in the world whenever that character appears. Playtonic is dodging a bullet by…
The journey from 441 seeds to 900 seeds gives you nothing but a golden turd. It’s glorious.
You get an additional scene after the credit roll if you found all the memories.
I see you’ve managed to take a poo on two fan bases simultaneously. It’s okay to let people enjoy things, you know. Especially really well made things, like Breath of the Wild.
I’m 34, born in the same year as the streamer who just died. Scary stuff, but I don’t understand it even a little. I’m an indie developer, been playing games since I was little, and have tried to understand. At conventions I see the Twitch section absolutely packed; more than many other section. It completely baffles…