
Yeah. On the one hand people should know better than to put their holiday celebrations into the hands of incompetent chain restaurants. On the other hand, we really shouldn’t (as a country) allow companies to explode into shitty chains that provide half-assed products across the nation. Our standard for acceptable

Hey, some of my friends literally did do a doctoral thesis on existentialism, and let me tell you, these people do not take things very seriously.

Or it expresses a reality that gives voice to people who suffer through those conditions, or validation for people who have been at the wrong end of it and don’t understand what happened. Not everyone’s life has Disney animals making your clothes and dressing you in the morning, after all.

Also above Junkrat, Torbjorn, and Zarya, who are all apparently less appealing than a nerdy gorilla.

This isn’t a video game you buy. It’s a “free-to-play” mobile game with a gatcha system. Not something to celebrate, really.

A few aesthetic choices did seem a bit absurd to me as they happened. I got to Super Venice and found I had a surprisingly massive city to brood around in and wonder how it and Infinite Tokyo existed on the same planet. I was feeling mildly schizophrenic by Tolkien Town because its styles were shifting so much. There

Instructions unclear. Son’s name is Gladiolus.

Boy he really showed YouTube. I bet they’re shaking in their boots. No more stepping on th- wait a sec. They sent him a congratulations?

Little known anime that blows many of these out of the water: Saikano

Better yet, just get stuff on Amazon Prime, which is cheaper than retail, if you must engage in Consumerism Day. Otherwise, shop some other time when things are normal. It’s not like Black Friday is only for one day anymore.

Where should you pre-order? The answer if obvious. It’s the one Square Enix isn’t suggesting. Don’t pre-order. Nothing they could give you would make that a good decision.

> The changes are all necessary but they seem like no brainers.