Shady Jenkins

I believe they have not removed it themselves because they are worried about Dems taking power in 2020, but you better believe if Dems don’t win, Republicans will do this. It’s not a matter of, what if we do it and then the Republicans use that; it’s what if the Republicans are the only ones to. Because they will no

I mean, even beyond a wealth tax, if the switch to M4A happens quick enough in the Democrat President’s term, do you think Republicans can even sell the various rich forces within it’s own party that they now have to put healthcare back on companies again let alone the rest of America? Once it’s in place, there might

Fun fact - they’re gonna try to do that anyway! Hell, they’ll cheat to do that anyway (see, McConnell. M.). The idea that we should purposefully restrict our own ability to do fundamentally good things on the off-chance (LOL) that later down the line the Republicans might try to do bad things is so bizarre I can’t

There aren’t going to be any wheels of justice turning, because she’s chosen to file a civil suit instead of involving the police. Unless one’s definition of justice is a months-long protacted negotiation between two sets of very well-paid lawyers discussing what amount between $1M and $2M of Antonio Brown’s money

Obviously not, he’ll already be long dead. Our children’s children living in the sun-ravaged wastes will definitely be trying to kill them though.

Yeah, but he scored a touchdown yesterday, so it’t all cool, right.  Right?

I always thought it was called the Supreme court.

Isn’t that now called Showing the Kavanaugh?

Theyll be the most tender.

I was getting Pennywise chills looking at that photo.

Just keep him on ice until the Super Bowl.

Eli won’t be upset closing the book on him, as long as you tuck him in with a warm glass of milk on the nightstand.

My parents have that weird too-white look to their teeth. This look is due to having all your teeth capped, so they are artificially white, because apparently any trace of yellowing (though very natural-looking) is awful and wrong or some shit.

Shady: Your children will be held responsible for the sins of their parents.

Shady won’t. He’ll encourage others to. Wouldn’t want to get his own hands dirty.

Honestly I think these rich assholes are mostly too self-centered to really think much about their kids outside being an extension of their own glory.  So.... no.  I don’t think they think about the consequences on their kids (or grandkids) for their actions.  I genuinely don’t think they give much of a shit.

They think this either won’t happen or that their children’s inheritance will shield them from consequences.

Then came Biden himself, who said this: “‘I truly believe we can fundamentally change our standard for middle class people in America without going out and making sure no one can be a billionaire. We don’t need that kind of stuff. The fact of the matter is just a rational policy’ will suffice.”

This guy is a walking SVU episode.