I know you keep pushing for the Washington Generals but I think the best option is to just contract the Wizards and replace them WITH the Generals.
I know you keep pushing for the Washington Generals but I think the best option is to just contract the Wizards and replace them WITH the Generals.
I fully expect they’re going to wind up negotiating a deal that is largely indistinguishable from the old one, because it’s the only thing Iran is going to agree to. And Fox et al. will praise it as the greatest achievement in U.S. foreign policy history.
Honestly, I’m guessing there is some shades of grey involved.
He might have a nazi fetish.
Or, she might just be incredible in bed.
Or both. I’ve met one of those. Would’nt have married her for all the gold in the world, but it was a fine weekend ^^
- The video was faked
Money ruins everything. Especially when it’s afraid of losing.
Can you imagine if the choice comes down to Trump or Bernie in the general what Bezos will do?
Oh, hell no. News discourse died with Ted Turner and the 24 hour news cycle. “News” media is about ad revenue first and the truth a distant, if at all, second.
The intent originally was for the news to be a singular item that did not get commercial breaks, thereby keeping it from being dependent on selling ads and ratings.
Also, the media needs to be decentralized. Once large corporations were allowed to buy up local television, radio and newspapers they focused on what makes the most money while defending the wealthy owners instead of actual local news. Or, if there are local elements in those media outlets it is the bare minimum —…
While I can appreciate what GC says and tweets, I will always be convinced that his never-Trumpiness is 100% performative.
Last time I checked George Conway was a member of the Federalist Society, so for what it’s worth, he can eat just as much shit as his wife and her boss.
My wife and I would have been divorced long, long ago. Like when she agreed to work for him.
Oh please...
Woke enough to appreciate that second house, and to be included on the extra tickets for interviews she gets flown out for.
He’s not. He’s just a republican never Trumper.
I’m sure it would never happen but man it would be awesome if he wrote an op-ed calling her out.
*activates tinfoil*
This is actually a pretty good argument for why Jaime Lannister’s should have ended the way it did on GOT.
You are, of course, assuming that EITHER of the Conways mean a word that they say to the public.