Shady Jenkins

I heard like these squishy sounds coming from the row of seats across from me. I didn’t have my earbuds in because my ears were popping and so I took them out for a few minutes. It was 2013 so I was just listening to Kid Cudi. I looked over and gasped for like the third time in my life.


Bots need a warm climate of hate and disinformation to survive. Also Vodka straight from the Kremlin. 

America’s memory is short. Not that many could tell me about Trump’s transgressions from a year ago today. Or messed up stuff he said 2 months ago. People will forget the debate, and he shouldn’t do another one.

Can I make a world where Deadspin dot com still exists and updates frequently?

They aren’t doing the same job.

“We are funding the end of the world as we know it......

Easy to say until it’s you.


It is pretty impressive how they keep changing the game and make it interesting for their fans for this long.

Am I broke enough to text my friends and family Bloomberg propaganda for 2.5k a month?

Starting to think the people of Earther are losing hope we can save our children in time.

Division 2 is a great game until you get to the end. Then grindy and repetitive. The cover system is fun and you can get out maneuvered. I think cover shooters just need to have strong A.I to go against and destructible environment. 

Do the rich breath different air? They still gotta go outside right? Still like to see the sun? Do they not see the air pollution in India or China?

You can argue it already is. Sanders is clearly just attacking Bloomberg.

They really don't want us to reach 2050. 

Maybe open up solar panel factories? Give companies a tax credit if they hire X amount of people? Put the factory in a town that’s close and easy to get to from miles away. 

Twitter isn’t the real-world. 

Funny this article might help him in Iowa....

Remind me what Damon did to be in your list?