I’ll take the odds that he slips and says the N word at a rally before February 2020.
I’ll take the odds that he slips and says the N word at a rally before February 2020.
When does China finally say “Fuck it” and impose big tariffs on all Republican states? When do they stick it to his dumb ass voters and try to cause a recession to screw him?
But it probably is too late.
Blame Harris. Not Russia Tulsi.
I really just want to hang out with the two name characters and cruise around LA. I hear Leo talk for Best actor. But I think Pitt deserves it. Even if he was probably just playing his Oceans 11 character. He was just so much fun.
The Kyle Wagner Story.
Other games got around this with nicknames. If you have busy people who can’t do multiple takes of nicknames. Pick a small amount of nicknames to choose from.
What’s wrong with being rich and invisible? Why must you feel like you need to speak out. Especially for selfish, greedy reasons? If I’m a Billionaire I only come out to the public to discuss charity events and help people. So I don’t get a large mob when the poor rise up. Something manageable.
Men need to realize. If the tiddy, butt, face, eyes, clothes, and womb of a woman ain’t hurting you, just let it go. Go have a coke and a smile and do something else.
Must take alot of willpower to be a first responder and not rush the stage to knock him the fuck out.
With the XD chairs that move.
I just want names of Dems still on the fence in the house. I know you gotta run for re election but damn grow some balls. Not everything is about keeping your job.
They do anything to get you to remember Fallout 76
Pelosi losing her grip.
Bed bugs is the correct choice.
The turning point is now.
You can't gerry a Senate seat. It's the whole state.
I believe a salary floor would solve alot of problems for them.
What will happen to the Union if Sanders doesn’t win?
I think it can happen. Just need to win the senate. Or beat out Mitch.