
If you want the restaurant to improve or learn from the mistake, you’re better off bringing it up to the staff so they can correct it and maybe try to salvage your meal.

If your review is accurate, leave it up, that’s what reviews are for. Not your fault the food sucked.

Online reviews set my teeth on edge. I work in a very busy winery that is bombarded by tourists every summer. Our team is incredible and gives top notch service, but sometimes it’s hard to give a truly great experience when we are inundated by so many customers. It’s not a staffing issue, as there’s be no room for

1) You’ve made your point and shared your complaint with the restaurant owner, who is at least aware of your feedback.

I try to write, and also look for, reviews that mention both the good and the bad. It’s rare that a restaurant fails at every single level.

I am a “Google Local Guide” (some random title they gave me for writing reviews) and I review restaurants for fun. I do so for one of two reasons: the food/service/price are excellent and I recommend the place, or the food/service/price were terrible and I recommend people find a different place to spend their money.


I’m rooting for you. ESPECIALLY when it comes to driving. 

You’re absolutely right, and I need to come up with a solid plan to change it.

My therapist often reminds me that you can’t control other people and that you have three choices. Leave, Do what you can to influence, or Accept it. I feel like you’d be less stressed out if you followed that advice as well.

Y’all bitter elderly people keep using “iPhone photo" like it's an insult, but that just makes you sound silly. Like you are significantly out of touch with the rapid progression of technology. Smartphone cameras are superior to previously "professional" cameras. Are there even better professional cameras being made?

Exactly! My wife and I’s families’ “abroad” travel is basically limited to super-sheltered Carnival cruises, so they all really enjoy pictures of actual non-American restaurants we go to during our vacations overseas. It’s crazy that someone could think a couple second picture of us and our food manages to destroy an

Jesus, dude, no one is asking “Show me pictures of your meals!!!” It’s vacation slideshows. I’ll have an awesome hour long meal with my wife on a Scottish island or Japanese sushi restaurant, less than 5 seconds of which I’ll be on my phone and take a picture of my wife enjoying her meal. When I’m flipping through

The fact you’re letting someone else’s personal life that has no actual effect on you affect you in such a way is pretty telling.  

“I also don’t understand why people are incredibly angry that people take pictures of food. Why would you give a fuck about some dude 2 tables over fiddling with his phone if it’s not making noise or flashes?”

It’s the perfect storm, when you think about it:

I did not expect this article to be the angriest comment section on the gawkerverse today. And yet, it seems to be winning easily.

There seems to be an Old Man Yells at Sky attitude about people taking pictures of their food. People never complain that people take pictures of themselves at restaurants, and some nice restaurants even used to have photographers who would take your picture for you.

So who cares? Let people take pictures of their food while the rest of us shake our heads in confusion. No harm done.

One the one hand, I have no interest in taking or looking at pictures of food, and don’t understand at all the appeal of food pictures.

No you fuck off. You really care so much what other people are doing? Who even said anything about Instagram?