
I haven’t used Nessus (home), and it might allow for scanning of public IP’s but I’m guessing it has a pretty short TTL built in to prevent from being used on anything but a local network. Also, you would have to actually have the public IP. If we are talking about a home network this is much harder to get, and likely

You can do this now on your own with a $5 VPS and an Amazon cloud drive account. You can also encrypt your media so Amazon is unaware. Well you might want a more powerful VPs but if you do mostly direct steam a cheap one would suffice.

Is this a new thing? I’ve streamed on my LAN with no WAN when I first moved over a year ago.

You know your getting old and out of style when you have no interest in this new thing that everyone is talking about.

Obviously you haven’t played very many pirated games. They are BUGGY, its hard to keep the game updated, the multiplayer never works.You have to worry about Trojans and malware. You have to worry about DMCA or Seed ratios. We now have things like humble bundle and steam now allowing returns on shit games. I know

I really wish steam would do something similar. I would love to be able to play every game on steam for $5 a month.

I like videostream

It only effect electronics if they are powered on.

He could alwaysthrow a free concert near the school jusy to spite them

I have the first version XPS 13, I still to this day get compliments on it. People are like is that a brand new XPS!!! I’m like no... its 5 years old. I really like mine, running windows 10, play’s dota 2. Small, light,powerful and great battery life. However when it dies I will not run out and buy the newest XPS 13.

with a light touch on the gas, er, accelerator pedal.

Are we watching the same gif at the top of this page? He clearly hits shoulder to shoulder, but then clear as day hit’s him in the helmet with the shoulder pad(not on purpose).

I did read the exchange, then I copied and pasted exactly what I was referencing too. I will do it again.

Lol, yes I’m not perfect, grammar wasn’t a subject I loved, and growing up with auto spell check and other editing tools didn’t help. At least I don’t have to look for new area’s to attack people when I can no longer defend my original statements.

Your wrong again.

What he is saying is true and 90% of people who don’t understand physics are stupid.

I agree with the no-debt, it’s how my grandma raised me (she still uses cash for everything). Except that, I couldn’t buy a house... or a car.... or anything new because I never had a loan or a credit card. Now I have a credit card and my credit score is finally not 0 but I wish I had not waited until I was 25.

Your comment is a tad bit misleading. I think you mean it supports only 5 things at a time but has support for many different devices. =)

I don’t have to be married to not want to die in a car accident.

The real part you screwed up was “its not likely we will ever see a truly high performance diesel”