I like all the teases they've had throughout the series for CSI: Infinity War, where the ultimate villain is a juror who derails a trial with unrealistic standards for evidence based on impressions formed from pop culture.
I like all the teases they've had throughout the series for CSI: Infinity War, where the ultimate villain is a juror who derails a trial with unrealistic standards for evidence based on impressions formed from pop culture.
Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective is awesome, but it still seems to require some massive logical leaps to make the right conclusions (beyond the quiz). I sadly had to leave the party where I played it before we solved the first puzzle, but I read the solution, and I have no idea how we would get there.
I'd heard great things about Armada, at least conceptually, so I'm a little sad to hear it doesn't work very well in practice. :(
There would come a point where it was far too much. One sleepover involved that terrible liquid candy nonsense while we played Monster Rancher, and it was like the juvenile version of the opening scene from Apocalypse Now with Martin Sheen.
I let that happen once and felt terrible (the original StarCraft in my case), but god, there was something guiltily thrilling about totally losing track of time and space in a dark room like that.
I never played any outside of the first one, which I didn't really like. I realize it's very different than what the series became, and by all accounts I hear they're terrific. But whenever I see the Hero, my first reaction is always remembering seeing him get devoured, and then it's hard to motivate myself to find a…
One time at school, a friend of mine ate an ad for Dragon Quest VIII out of a Game Informer.
I'm thinking of whichever one just had him destroying the set for 10 minutes.
I don't have kids, but I love hearing about kids using games as toys. No one ever discusses how the interactivity of games can fuel freeform playfulness like the example you gave with Toca Boca. It's so great to hear that that continues to be a thing.
If they just rebooted Supercomputer, they'd fix all their scheduling problems.
Since the season 2 finale of The Eric Andre Show, there many not be any higher rung of televisual insanity that can be reached. But I look forward to seeing them try!
I can't wait for the Urban Champion Experience where they kick you down a manhole and forget you existed for three decades.
You're always welcome here at Rancho Zoidberg!
Seeing the trailer for Stealth in theaters was one of the first times I consciously realized that a media product had no discernible audience.
It's such a weird narrative about how it "killed the adventure game" or whatever. How dare it be immersive, I guess!
Oh no, definitely not arguing that. It's probably one of the most important games period, and I still greatly enjoy it. It's just fascinating that Riven is so many orders of magnitude better but mostly ignored in comparison.
It is weird that the first game is one of the weaker ones. #5 is my least favorite, mainly because it's clear that it was pieced together with whatever they had left over from Uru.
There's some legitimately interesting Myst canon to explore. I could see a just-okay-but-watchable fantasy drama series about the fall of D'ni. Or about the interpersonal drama of the DRC's excavation. Lots of places they could start from considering the hundreds of years of story alluded to. I know it won't happen,…
I never knew this existed until now! Assassin's Creed was dangerously close to the Kingdom Hearts Threshold at which spinoffs, sequels, and re-releases are indistinguishable, so I'm glad to hear that they've found a unique and arguably better direction to take with the series.