
Hmmmm, this account has never posted anything before. It’s as if they work for the student loan servicing industry or are a hardcore centrist dem (or both).

Charcuterie is just a flippin’ deli tray.  Just call it charcuterie and you can charge three times as much.

You straight people are so fucked up.  Seriously, your culture is pure toxicity.

Not only that, people are vilified for staying in jobs where they are treated poorly.  I’ve literally had people tell me, “well shame on them for allowing themselves to be treated so poorly, they should quit.”

The few carnivore groups that I am a member of on Facebook is easily half women if not predominantly without being for women and I don’t see the rampant bro-sexism I would suspect. (although I will admit that I see a lot of blue lives matter types in the posts)

That being said, the several months when I was strict

You. Don’t. Need. Fiber. To. Poop.
In fact, after several months of being carnivore my bowel movements were consistent and I had zero bloating whatsoever. Digestive wise, I have never felt better. Your body processes meats and fats efficiently and you don’t need undigestible fillers to make the excess pass through your

Y’all realize that it was canceled because the story was garbage and that no one watched it? It took a dump on the source material despite looking beautiful. I made it three episodes before, trying to force myself to like it before I gave up.  The more appropriate title for this series is Dark Crystial: The Phantom

Glad that I haven’t purchased anything from Dynamite in the past few years as I have been unaware of their cozying up to Comicsgaters.

Got one of these for Christmas.  The front slot stopped working in less than a month.  

Got one of these for Christmas.  The front slot stopped working in less than a month.  

There were two Hellraiser films, 1 and 2. The rest don’t exist.  Laalalalallalalalalalala, I can’t hear you, there are only two!

Tuca and Bertie were not robbed.  That show was insufferable, I couldn’t make it through the first episode it was so bad.

This must be for people that don’t have working blood.  Down topper, top sheet, comforter, and weighted blanket?  I bet you turn the thermostat to 95 in the office.  People don’t get sweaty and gross when they don’t have an overabundance of warming items piled on top of them.

This must be for people that don’t have working blood.  Down topper, top sheet, comforter, and weighted blanket?  I

It was a Michigan State cop in Detroit, not a Detroit cop. They’re all pigs, but the headline is still wrong.

I’m glad to see that Della Reese was able to reprise her role as Augra.

I jest, I jest.  I love Della, she’s from my city and I love Augra as well.

I lived in Great Falls for five years, horrible town. The Air Force base definitely skewed the racial makeup of the town to make it appear more diverse but the military personnel are never permanent residents.  Heck, I’d chat with airmen and military wives when they ventured off base and they loathed Great Falls with

I think what you meant to say was that Johns’ only decent writing was on JSA in the early 00s. Everything else beyond that has been utter tripe. He has one shtick - nostalgia.  That’s it, that’s all he can do. 

So they attach magnetically? Unless they are in a difficult to reach location they will be extremely easy to steal or break. Beyond that they are quite tempting to order.

So they attach magnetically? Unless they are in a difficult to reach location they will be extremely easy to steal

I’m glad that one of the Property Brothers was able to make the jump to the big screen.

SouthEAST Michigan. Metro Detroit is on the east side of the state.

My default impression of anyone that admits that they go to a church is that they are pro-sexual abuse.