
Well the A-10 wouldn’t be used in a first wave type situation. Stealth fighters and bombers knock out the bulk of the enemy electronics, radar’s and such, then troops move in with A-10 in a support role. I don’t think there is much that would make an enemy shit there pants faster than to hear

My favorite part from The Hunt for the Red October

I think whether or not the A-10 will remain useful depends entirely on who we see as “enemy combatants” in the next decade or so. They’re phenomenal against insurgents and the like (or small states without advanced military tech research, like Iran or North Korea), but if we intend to pick fights with Russia (and to a

Image of him at work.

Blended wines what?

I treat every trip to Walmart like a raid - you get in, do violence on the objective and get the fuck out, you stick to the list, don’t make eye contact and do your best to ignore the fat fucktard with the Glock on his hip in frozen foods.

There’s never too much Star Trek news, seeing as we hadn’t had any Trek news at all for several years

Getting some HARDCORE Venture Bros energy + tonal vibes from this. SO down.

I get WHY it was cut from Thor 3 because those solo movies were basically on life support and they didn’t want anything to potentially overshadow the new direction they were taking him in.

Just give me a love scene with her and Darcy.

Pretty psyched to see the return of everyone’s favorite holiday

Seven showing up gives me major hope for an eventual DS9 sequel.

Yeah, I wasn’t 100 percent on board before, but I sure as hell am now.

Well shoot. Seven is in it? And she seems like she’ll have agency rather than be a plot device. I guess I’ll be watching this.

Seven of Nine, Data, and Hugh the Borg from the TNG season five episode “I, Borg”, with Jeri Ryan, Brent Spiner, and Jonathan Del Arco reprising their roles. Also confirmed by showrunner Michael Chabon at the panel? Jonathan Frakes (who is also directing several episodes of the series) and Marina Sirtis will reprise

I can only figure Eisenhorn was the Abnett property chosen because it would make for a much smaller and easier to budget show.

Just think of it as gothic epic fantasy in space, with guns instead of/in addition to swords.

Aw, I wanted a Gaunt’s Ghosts series instead.

To look like the Rock does you need to almost 100% dedicate your diet to eating foods that make you look the way he does.

Again, I state this here. I would pay a monthly fee for a carebear server.