
Standard Star Fleet Issue.

Quit with your high minded science fiction! We all know that despite the physics, Star Citizen will never be released.

I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.

I had never heard of Scalzi until a few years ago when Redshirts (phenomenal book in my opinion) came out. Later got into Old Man’s War and a few others, waiting for the Audible release of The End of All Things.

Aways fancy’d myself a Triss Marigold kind a guy, but thats very nice.

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!!!!!

Puppy! Puppy puppy puppy puppy!

He’s always fantastic

Daniel Craig AND Christoph Waltz? Squeee!!! :D

... and deceptive charm

Christoph Waltz may be the Bond villain we’ve been waiting for. He strikes just the right balance between evil, ruthless and crazy.

You must embrace moments like that. I spent plenty of time in the snow as a kid, but as a grown man, walking with a couple of friends along the road I once got the sudden urge to plunge into the snow. So, I said fuck it and jumped straight into a ditch and buried myself in snow. Got some strange looks but... worth it.

Get out the way.

People always misunderstand the question. It’s not Han Solo vs Kirk, it’s ship vs ship. Enterprise wins easy.