
Ideally in my mind the targeted user would be invulnerable in the bubble.  It would pull back towards Lifeweaver but not as quickly as the videos have shown.  During that period of the one in the bubble chooses to, they can exit before being dropped off where ever it was they were headed.  That way if the Lifeweaver

That’s also an option, but I felt as though there might be potential exceptions where the correct play could blocked by hardcoding situations where Life Grasp doesn’t work. I can’t think of any real reason why someone would pull someone towards a potential environmental kill myself, but I think the simplest solution

It is a super cool and unique ability (no more getting booped off the bridges in Rialto!) but I really don’t know if there’s a way to balance the good it does with the bad, other than a lot of people reporting those who use it maliciously.

The train derailments were a thing I too thought maybe should have had some casualties but the news reports never said as much so I took that at face value.

He killed what, three people? And an attempted murder with Joker.

Akechi is my favorite character, and since I beat P5 right before Royal came out, his expanded social link was the only reason I even picked up the game. Every time they do a new P5 spinoff and neglect to add him, they are doing a disservice to the world.

Tetris is big enough that it’s the sort of thing that if something else is just generally referencing video games, titles like Tetris, Pac-Man and Mario pop up. There are some titles and properties that even if you don’t follow the genre or medium, you’d at least know that it exists.  It’s like saying “Yeah, I’m

CW show set. A more charitable comparison would have been to the Star Wars prequel trilogy, which also had lots of money backing it, but shot almost everything in front of a greenscreen and it shows.  

Most of the movie seemed like it was just a CW show set with more money for the bluescreen VFX, so this would explain everything.

All according to keikaku

If they could pull off even half the quality of the animated shorts they put out, Overwatch would have a hit on their hands.

Now playing

I think the battle of Geonosis can get bumped up a little if we rate the version where everytime someone gets hit you hear Jar Jar say “Oh no!”

As soon as this goes through, first order of business is to sue the studio behind Kangaroo Jack.  I was promised a comedy with a talking kangaroo, and instead Anthony Anderson and Jerry O’Connell. 

After seeing “ptoential" in the proceeding sentence I didn't know what to think.

I will watch if only to find out Eric Foreman's reaction to the Darth Vader reveal

“If I’m Palatine, and she’s Vader then that makes you—”

You’d like us to bring up the adaptation of Avengers starring Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman, wouldn’t you?

It would regularly air on AMC and every since time it was on while I was flipping through channels, I’d leave it on.  I honestly could not for the life me me tell you why I did.

It’s been a good couple of years for anime movies that aren’t Pokemon related.