Exactly. It’s called the cost of doing business. Either provide me with a way to pay that doesn’t have a surcharge or I take my business elsewhere. Nickle and diming your customers is a surefire way to lose them.
Exactly. It’s called the cost of doing business. Either provide me with a way to pay that doesn’t have a surcharge or I take my business elsewhere. Nickle and diming your customers is a surefire way to lose them.
I read that as: any method other than using their convenient in-store finance
I’m not disabling my ad-blockers for anyone. Without them the Internet is useless.
I use the uBlock Origin extension in Chrome and only get these warnings on YouTube tabs I’ve left open and neglected long enough for Chrome to flip them into inactive mode - a quick refresh of the tab and everything is back as it should be
If your license is valid to drive in New York City or LA, then you need to know how to drive in traffic.
I spent 10 months last year working throughout Eastern Europe. Here’s a short list of what they do right on the road vs us:
The mistake
the UAWpretty much all workers made years ago was agreeing to 401K plans
As a pedestrian, I have had issues with drivers turning right on red. It’s happened to me numerous times (I ran marathons, so I’ve covered lots of miles on foot).
Kind of hard to do when the driver has their eyes glued to the left and is only concerned about oncoming vehicles, with no consideration for anything that exists to the right.
This is some victim blaming bullshit, and assumes that all pedestrian strikes occur when the pedestrian is entering the cross-walk from the “right” side of the road.
This is, entirely, a problem with selfish idiot drivers who refuse to accept the primacy of safety over all else. It has absolutely nothing to do with “right on red”. The selfish idiots will find a way to get you regardless of the laws on the books. The solution is far more rigorous driver testing and re-testing than…
2-stroke engines are far dirtier and noisier than your Honda mower. IMO replacing 2-strokes with battery equivalents should take priority when replacing one’s collection of lawn tools.
I’ve been planning on replacing my 14 year old lawnmower with a battery version when it dies, but it just doesn’t seem to want to. My electricity comes from a coal-burning plant, so it might be a wash environmentally, but I’d enjoy having something quieter.
State funding of colleges and universities has dropped off wildly over the decades so if your loans/tuition were less decades ago, it was because someone else’s tax dollars helped pay a LOT of your education in public funding of colleges and universities. That money is gone and tuition is way higher compared to wages.…
“state-of-the-art military satellite network”
I think about this a lot these days. I live in a affluent area in California. I identify myself as pretty liberal. And yet I pull up to every other stop light and there’s 2-3 Teslas. And I wonder- what do these people think about the fact that the CEO of the company that made their cars is a flaming, homophobic,…
Elon Mush is a fucking piece of shit and no one should ever buy a tesla and give him their money, period.
I can’t believe people still look up to this asshole
I have put a deposit down on a Cybertruck under the name Duke Nukem.
I am so going to buy one of those Cybertruck right after I buy my flying car.