
I think the other factor is the near draconian response to drunk drivers in many countries - like lifetime removal of driver’s licenses, such that drinking and driving isn’t considered an option in the first place. The problem in the US is casual acceptance that “everyone drives drunk some times.”

Completely coincidentally, Snyder's dawn of the dead remake is the best thing zackie ever made. 

Ooh, I love a Snyd-car.

If you have to ask the question is unequivocally index funds

Now playing

This is kind of how I remember it going down.

She’s running to be DeSantis’s vice president.

Seven other states are have copy cat bills in various stages of possibly becoming laws.” And for some reason, you can’t list those seven states?

Tangentially, the guy who apologized for fouling Dick Cheney’s fowl shot with his face died recently.

The thing about dieting to lose weight it there is NO SUCH THING as a sustainable weight loss diet. In order to lose weight you HAVE to eat at a caloric deficit. That is impossible to do forever. The “nutrition” industry is littered with “weight loss” plans, but almost nobody (that gets any amount of attention) is

Provide one source that isn’t UncuckedAmericaNews or whatever that supports this claim.

DC didn’t give its heroes a chance to be heroes.

HD Core business performing” - sort of.

What does she have for proof about Allen’s actions?

Lanez should definitely be in prison for what he did, but it’s also really important that prisoners be treated humanely. And lots of people in the jail haven’t been convicted yet.

I live 10 miles from Moss Motors, so I’m sure they will be more than happy to drain my bank account.  NP.

I couldn’t scroll down and NP this fast enough. Take my money.

I’ve been avoiding this story but I guess I’m done with that.

It is beyond any and all of my comprehension why every single time someone in the media mentions Matt Gaetz, it isn’t immediately followed by “who is currently under federal investigation for raping and sex trafficking a child.”

Because a few miles per hour were between losing my parents to a drunk and them just having to buy a new car, I can say whatever agony a drunk driver suffers is not enough. I feel sympathy for alcoholics. I feel blind rage for drunk drivers. The latter allowed made that particular choice while they were sober.

I saw Man of Steel at a theatre across the street from the World Trade Center in NYC. So not only was the destruction of Metropolis super bothersome (sealed with a kiss!), what bothered me even more was friendly ally Dr Emil Hamilton falls into a black hole with evil Kryptonians and it’s never mentioned or addressed.