
Except you’re likely not 100% wrong with that one.

we’re as excited as anyone to someday put this movie and the missing comma in its title in our rearview mirror permanently


That’s already being done in a sense in China and other parts of Asia for their eBikes, mopeds, etc. They battery swap. Park in a lot, pull out their depleted battery and swap it for a fully-charged one, fit it back in and they’re on their way in a matter of minutes, including the time needed to walk into the shop. I

Well, there’s plenty of electric scooters (Vespa etc) and bicycles already where you can carry the battery inside to charge. There’s thousands if not millions doing just that in Asian and European cities. In fact in China you have quick battery swap stations for them. The future arrived 50 years early 😄. 

I work in abortion care. Can confirm.

haha. i honestly wish i could park it in my manhattan apartment like some cool 1980s movie detective. I dont think my apt management would like me putting a 560 pound bike in the elevator though

“oh man i’m so glad this truck has ballistics glass because of all the war zones i drive through”

She did just manage to edge out William Henry Harrison, who lasted 31 days as US president. Then again, Canning and Harrison had the good taste to simply die.

Guys, that was great. But, I gotta tell you...I coulda used more boat.

Oh, and on the third quarter call, Musk reiterated that the Cybertruck would be coming next year, but he wouldn’t go into any sort of details.

We are adding a second vehicle to our house, and we want an EV mid-size SUV.

One exception would be someone who is working on Public Service Loan Forgiveness. Those have to be on Income-Driven Repayment plans and there’s no advantage to overpaying.

Could he be any more —-

You mean it’s not “Brandon’s” doing like all the GOP people are saying?

I.....well....what about......there’s an

Everything’s special when it comes with a blowjob. 

sorry if it offends you

That’s pretty much how I feel about it. We should just get rid of it. It’s more trouble than its worth. 

I’m not going to begrudge any grieving family their perfectly understandable desire for vengeance after having their children ripped away from them by this absolute piece of shit. Nevertheless, I’m anti-death penalty. I think it’s barbaric, I think it can’t possibly be applied in a fair manner, and I think it can’t