When a film project involves Johansson, Evans, and Bateman, I’m there for it because of Bateman. He’s a seal of quality in a way Johansson and Evans can’t really aspire to.
When a film project involves Johansson, Evans, and Bateman, I’m there for it because of Bateman. He’s a seal of quality in a way Johansson and Evans can’t really aspire to.
I second this. I’ve had crappy tires, and they were downright terrifying to drive on, especially in wet or otherwise not dry conditions. Saving money on tires, usually doesn’t end up saving lives in the long run, especially in an emergency braking maneuver or something similar.
Salespeople add zero value to the experience. I know more about the cars I’m interested n then they do. They don’t even know the simple things like what they actually have in inventory. Everything they do they look up on the computer, and they are the one thing between me and a good price on a car. If I can actually…
As a Ford owner, I already know the “post warranty experience” is going to be stuff like oil change and tire discounts they provide in the points-based system in their app. Only valid through dealer service departments of course.
The problem is letting all these poors into the hospitals! If we just make sure that only the rich can afford medical care, this sort of thing simply wouldn’t happen!
I saw some interviews on GA election day and the people in her district like her because “she’s not afraid to speak her mind,” which seems to indicate it doesn’t matter what she says as long as she says something aloud that’s weird/dumb/out there/hateful/stupid/spiteful/wrong/mean ... etc./etc./etc.
on one hand, it angers me that t***p and his bullshit strained or broke up so many family members. When I found out my evangelical cousin and her mom were t***p supporters in 2015 I really haven’t spoken with them since; I’ll never forget being at a family function and listening to them go on about how Obama “never…
The thing that gets me about that particular talking point is: fine. Okay. Let’s say that’s the issue. That’s the common denominator, the thing that is the major threat. What are the solutions?
Your uncle’s definition of “sweetness” is strange.
Read: I want to fuck her.
Look, dude, those libs ain’t gonna own themselves*.
Instead of paying to check a bag, we should now have to pay to stow a bag in the overhead bin.
Thank fucking god.
Interest can be canceled forever, there’s no reason they need to MAKE MOney off our backs for doing nothing=. I was loaned X amount i pay back X amount, Stupidly F’n simple.
I’m all for loan forgiveness as well but moving forward and after that forgiveness number has been settled all future interest need to go the way…
Nice right-wing talking points.
When Philando Castile was shot, I started hearing-as a defense, “The cops just want to get home safely at night”, to which....I’m sorry, that’s not the job you signed up for. You do have to risk your life, that’s part of your job. I don’t mean to be cold-hearted, but I don’t know where or why we got the notion that…
There are no rules about the size of the supreme court. Initially we had 6 and then as the US grew so did the court. If this wasn’t being done in a panic I would argue we actually need to make the circuits smaller too to create less backlog in the (the 9th court of appeals in particular covers too many states for…