
Hence my point - if you’re going to disallow one of those, then you damn better sure engage the other one.

There’s only two mechanisms to control this sort of behavior - governmental oversight or worker strikes. There could be others, but those are the only two that have worked in US history. The market doesn’t allow a decent mechanism to correct this behavior, even though the theory says it should.

Hell, even if the fine is $1, he’ll use this trial as an excuse to cheat his followers out of more money. That’s pretty much the only thing you can count on Trump to do - scam for more money whenever the opportunity presents itself.

They don’t actually get to write that off on their taxes. That’s illegal.

Nah, that was for Stellantis and GM.

Yeah, in this case the seller wouldn’t take a cashier’s check. Why, I have no idea. All I know is that it’s the car was exactly what I wanted at a killer price, so I didn’t ask a lot of questions :)

The person selling you something *never* eats some cost. They just figure out a way to charge you that you are too naive to get upset about.

Yeah, don’t get me wrong - I had to fight with my bank to get it. It wasn’t until I rather loudly said in the lobby to the bank manager, “You’re telling me you won’t let me have my money???” than I got them to agree to give it to me. They were cautioning me all the way about shady practices and all that sort of thing.

It must be higher than $5k because I’ve pulled out $6k before to buy a classic car in cash. I don’t remember any IRS paperwork involved there. I’m sure there’s some upper limit, but I think it’s higher (but I’m no tax accountant or attorney, so I don’t know for sure).

However, we do understand the cost for accepting cash is minimal relative to the profit of the product they’re selling. Someone earlier said getting a security truck to come pick up your cash cost them $38 per pickup. Just have a safe and pay $38 a day to have an armed escort drive to your doorstep and take it for

Nickle and diming your customers is a surefire way to lose them.

It’s always a problem dealing with literal people with no humor. You made a patently ridiculous and demonstrably false assertion, so I responded in a similar manner.

How?!? I mean, have these people actually used Max? It’s just a jumbled mess of terrible in an awful stew. Once you actually find what you want, it’s perfectly ok, but getting there is just the worst.

Looking both ways is not optional.

My reference is what’s considered a ‘cheap’ school is less than $700 from your limit. If inflation is 2.5% this year (I’m assuming you’ll allow for inflation), next year it’s over the limit.

The headlines that correctly pointed out the facts that a Trump supported actually did shoot protestors at a BLM rally? Yes. Yes I believe I did.

That’s because the facts of Rittenhouse’s case were fairly well known and publicly communicated, nor were they disputed. However, neither were ‘tried and convicted’ before he stepped foot in a courthouse. The court of public opinion is neither a court capable of ‘trying’ anyone nor is it a court that’s meaningfully

rioting and looting

Again, I’ll reference WVU - $9,648 a year in tuition and fees. $13,020 a year in room and board. That’s $22,668 a year in tuition, fees, room and board for in-state only. Book, estimated at $1,200 a year on average, bumps that up to $24,500 (rounding to nearest $500). Right now, WVU’s enrollment is 47% in-state, so

$10k/semester isn’t unaffordable.