
I've been cranking the Oingo Boingo all week.

I was imagining Giorgio Moroder.

I just assumed he was Italian.

Very much looking forward to The Horror's new album. Especially after Mr. O'Neal's praise. It's fuinny for me to look back and think of how I was disappointed at the drastic change from Strange House to Primary Colours. I wanted more Garage-horror-punk, not another shoegaze, gothic, post-punk band (how young and naive

What about 2, 4, and 5?

Sounds Like the kinda guy to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I LIKE THAT! Unlike these lefty college degree having, fancy meat eating socialist commies.

If it's in the Bible than it's 100% REAL YOU ATHEIST HEATHEN!

Oh so now you expect me to read some kind of lefty, liberal novel, eh? I'm not gonna Commie.

What's a "shibboleth" you Lefty, Elitist scum?

They're merely Aping their predecessors.

Aunt May could've been a great Aunt. Aunt May and Uncle Ben could be Significantly older than the Late Parkers. The Late Parkers could've started a family as an older couple.

Captain America Civil War sort of did that with Crossbones.

The real tragedy of Pretty in Pink is that Iona turns into a Yuppie.

The Av Club ran a Great Job Internet about Toto's "Africa" a week or so ago. The picture of Toto that accompanied it shows a band that is pretty uncool looking.

Mostly because of my wife and partly from biological impulses to continue my genetics. The crying isn't endless. My four-month old rarely ever cries. When she does we take of her. Changing shit-filled diapers is no big deal. Spend what you want to spend, live within budget, realize some sacrifices. It's surprising how

I've never really liked children. I have two of my own that I love more than anything. I still dislike almost all other children. Mine are perfect angels while others are obnoxious devils.

and Gooooooodbye!

But seriously though? What is the actor's real name? Ansel Elgort sounds like John Travolta just announced him at an awards show.

Fuck the GOP for allowing this to happen.