
It's my birthday today! All I want is a new President.

Unfortunately she became a woman past age 35.

Suburgatory was a solidly funny show. I remember her guest arc on that show being a minor deal because it reunited her with her Clueless Co-Star Jeremy Sisto.

That does sound pretty fucking awesome.

Mostly The Radio Dept.

If you're talking about Batman: The Animated Series Batman then your essay wouldn't be wrong.

"Do you want anything?"

These Bleeds? These fucking bleeds?


" Lawrence, you can type this shit, but you can't say it!"

You mixed up your Wilson Brothers.

No no, You're thinking of Old School. This is an entirely different movie.

I liked the fight in the pocket (Or briefcase?) that was set to The Cure.

Thank you, Yes Shockwave. My mistake. He always seemed like he had his shit together. My guess is he found various sources of energy in those millions of years, working with the Autobots to keep Cybertron viable. Everything was going great, but then he receives a call from Megatron and things go to shit again nearly

You would think coke-filled movie execs from the 80's would have realized this.

You're a day late in giving me the 2 weeks notice for 2 Weeks Notice

Then how the fuck old is Kup? He was an old man in the cartoon.

I have no issue with motorcyclists generally, but sometimes you see assholes just zooming down highways and zigging and zagging between cars and I get irrationally pissed at the "Look Twice: Save a Life" stickers.

In a similar vein, I am always unreasonably upset when I pull up to a 2 or 4-way Stop sign after someone has pulled up to one of the other Sto[ signs and they flag me to go ahead for no discernible reason. "You have the right of Way!" I scream in my head.

I am shocked reading the comments here how many people actively watch these Transformers films. I'll admit that the first one was surprisingly decent, but the second one was incomprehensible garbage and from my understanding it just got worse from there.