
It always upset me in the original cartoon's first episode when they showed the Transfomers on Cybertron Millions of years ago and their humanoid bodies were clearly the same (i.e. based off of 1980's vehicles) but they transformed into weird alien vehicles that looked nothing like the Earth vehicles.

Great! We went to an amazingly fun wedding on Saturday that even blistering heat couldn't suppress. Father's Day was good too with a fun canoe trip with my daughter after the deluge of rain stopped.

"You know who could really hit a ball with a stick? Kyle Schwarber. This is a guy who played just a few innings at the beginning of the year, injured his knee, quick rehabbed to be back in time for the World Series. He wasn't even cleared to field. Just bat. Ah….Schwarber."

Or if Gary Gygax* Annihilated your character in The Tomb of Horror.

We get the flag and we get the prize!

Didn't even mention Temple of Doom's Inflatable raft slide down the mountain.

They were all filmed on the set of Nickelodeon's Double Dare.

oy guvnor. me bleedin' leg's bleedin'

It's because I wear socks too much. It's not male-pattern baldness of the legs.

I had not that experience.

I'm seeing double here: fiftysixpacs!

tupac, threepac, four
fivepac, sixpac, sevenpac more.

But like, if you don't listen to the Deep Cuts man, then you like, aren't a real fan.

A lot to take in today. (for me) I really like The Drums ever since they were the Forgotten 80's aping Elkland, and the few tracks from this new one are much better than their forgettable Encyclopedia (which I should probably give another chance)

I remember seeing it and not liking it, and after being bored with Jackie Brown and overplaying Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction I thought I was done with Tarantino. Death Proof confirmed this for me. But then I watched Inglorious Basterds and thought it was really good. Django as well, so now I am back on I guess.

The dice would've come in the Basic boxed set. It also would have come with an order catalog to get more.

The fun thing about D&D is that it can incorporate both the improv folks and the grid folks. I never played 4E but from what I understand it is mostly grid based mecahanics. 5E can be that as well, or it can be theater of the mind. Personally I find the grid and vying for strategy too time-consuming and want to get

You could always talk to the store owner and see if they would be interested in hosting a D&D event.

Try your Local Game Store if it exists. Go on Wizards of the COast and look up The Adventurers League. That's the weekly drop-in meet-up for D&D. You might find something around.

on Roll20? I could dig that!