
Was She masturbating after creating the Fake Facebook account?

Sad. Growing Pains was a staple for me during the 80's. Yes he was one of the great 80's TV dads. He was also great on his many How I Met Your Mother guest appearances.

Here's the thing though, by the time they were giving out so many Blood transfusions, it didn't matter what type it was as the people receiving them were vampiric. They needed any type of blood.

"Overall, he gives the kind of performance traditionally associated with stars who died during filming."

The USS Flagg, the awesome 6-foot GI Joe Aircraft Carrier.

Man, ten years ago I was really something wasn't I?

But I live in Ohio…

If they can recreate my rdio experience I will gladly pay for their service.

rdio was the best. I moved on to Spotify but it just isn't the same.

Hey I love Four as well! ONe of my favorite albums from that year.

Thanks for the Thumbs up!

Hmm, What's Dumfuckistan's economy like? Is it safe to travel there? Do I need to update my passport? I can't find anything on the US Department of State website for Dumbfuckistan.

I like this album fine, but it's not that memorable for me. Nothing really stands out.

"In Albums Of The Year, A.V. Club staffers write about a record that defined 2016 for us. Maybe it isn’t the year’s absolute best record—or even our No. 1 favorite—but it’s one that, without it, music would have been a whole lot less interesting."

Must I?

Don't believe the biased meida. Moana is Unfunny. Should be pulled from the theaters.

Those Fraser movies were actually fun. The first one anyways, I don't really recall the others.

What about the Monster Mash?

I remember the Guy who played Dracula was really bad. Like really really bad.

*Dwells in Basement