
"The Village," "Your Silent Face," and "Leave Me Alone" did nothing for you? They could have been hits.

"Hmm, Scraggly hair, flannel shirt over army green tee, torn jeans, combat boots. Yep, definitely one of those 'grungers.' Take this and report to homeroom."

It's possible that Dragline is the paragon of all post-Nirvana "grunge" albums. We all owned it in one form or another.

I'm loving this series. For the mysteries, for the nostalgia, and for the characters.

I was expecting more of a write-up for New Order. They are probably my favorite most consistent band that I can never get enough of. "Power, Corruption, Lies" being their Masterpiece. I even like their 21st Century output, though not "Lost Sirens." That should have stayed lost.

Which he shares with Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak

Please stop, Internet.

Hmm. I suppose it could be fetishizing, though in the course of the song he does learn more about the girl, thus making her less of an object and more of a person.

I've always loved this album I don't think "El Scorcho" was my favorite though.

Very true.

No. But it is their best. I was always shocked that it was considered a "flop" or terrible at the time. I listened to it repeatedly for nearly a year and loved all of it. To this day whenever I hear it I think of hours playing Final Fantasy VII with this as the background music.

Read alone it could be racist I guess. But the second line "You do it to me every time" opens up the interpretation that a half-japanese girl is his "type" and he can't resist them.

Trigger warning?

"Aw, someone took his pants, how sad." *sniffles
"No, it says Parentless not Pantsless"
"Oh, then whatever."

Not a fan of Wilco, but I've always loved this song.

U B Crazy Hooded Justice.

I was thinking a Sitcom theme, but cereal commercial is so much better. Considering the Olympic theme, I'll imagine Wheaties are being shilled.

If he had any charisma and acting chops he would be playing the mermaid (merman) in the Splash remake instead of Channing Tatum. I really do think Phelps is part fish. Does he have webbed toes?

This pleasant electronic song is at odds with the scary face that is staring out at me.

Is this true? It sounds like it could be true.