
"Sweden, We've traced the call, and it's coming from within your own country!"

I also think it was kind of a rushed climax. A little confusing on my part. The tonal shift and artist switch certainly didn't help. I felt like I was missing a few pages.

I've read Rat Queens. The first arc was really good and exciting and fun. The second arc was kind of a mess.

Pedestrian Verse has been my least favorite Frightened Rabbit album so far. I don't know why. None of the songs had that pure beauty and pure feeling that the other works did.

I'm really looking forward to listening to this now. The singles so far have been underwhelming for me (though it's nigh-impossible to follow up the amazing "Hurry Up, We're Dreaming) but now I hope for the best.

Oh man, I am imagining a sweet sax solo in "Enjoy the Silence" right now. I don't know where it would fit in, but now I think it needs it.

I said her storyline turns him into an asshole, not her. Everything Matt is doing is his own choice.

I have to agree with you. This season is a slog for me since Elektra showed up. It doesn't help that her storyline turns Matt into an asshole.

But what if I really like the characters?

I'm with you. My awareness of this movie was minimal. It didn't seem "real" to me y'know? Plus, it's about stealing Death Star plans, yeah, I know they succeed because A New Hope. Plus with all the hype for The Force Awakens, this just kind of fell through the cracks. But, after seeing this and being back in love with

I wish I could answer you. Unfortunately that came out when I was on a comics hiatus. I've tried to get all the Astro trades but I never got around to that one.

It's also really good, but then, most of Astro City is.


I enjoyed the Wallace Shawn cameo, as Inconceivable as that sounds.

I hear ya Buddy.

Me, I think Aisha Tyler would be the perfect She-Hulk.

I liked how She-Hulk was the prosecuting attorney and she kept breaking the fourth wall. I feel like is was a secret spin-off episode for her. Which by the way I would totally love.

Then he and half the universe is unceremoniously killed by Thanos to appease death. Sitting out the next 5 episodes, only to return as if nothing happened.

So what you're telling me is I should just go watch "Walk Hard" again.

"Your Pa's name was Pa too?!? Why, we're practically the same."