
Here's the thing, Both characters where created in the late 30's. Back then 3 out 4 mothers were named Martha.

I listened to that song (maybe last year) and it's almost as if the Partners in Kryme were given the script and then just rapped the damn thing. Talk about Spoiler alerts.

Slow it down for Splinter and his emotional ballad "Skipping Stones." It really helped teach a young Shadow_play to leave the hustle and bustle of life behind for a bit and to enjoy his natural surroundings.

That's how I feel about 90% of Morrissey Solo material. And all the Marr solo material I feel would be a lot better with Morrissey singing on them.

It's more like something one of the New Order side projects wrote and threw away. I'm thinking Electronic or Monaco.

My friend had a copy of a Garry Shandling special on tape back in the day. I remember thinking it was hilarious. Right now though he only bit I recall was one involving Garry's dog getting fixed. "Where's my balls Garry?"

Didn't see it in theaters, but I must have seen it on VHS soon after. It's a great preteen geek movie. I loved it. I still love it for nostalgia despite its silliness. It wasn't until a few years ago that I found out it was written by Shane Black of Predator, Iron Man 3 and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang fame.

Eh, Most of the X-Men during Claremont's run can be "mopey, whiney, and resentful" at one point or another. Focusing on this ignores his skillful leadership and goodness. Of course I am basing my Cyclops love on his X-Factor days.

I've always hated that about these X-Men movies that Cyclops = Douche.

I remember this coming out in 1993,a so when I was 15, but it didn't look all that interesting to me. I suppose if I saw it then it might tickle me the right way.

That Titus Andronicus song ends in such a rousing fashion. What a blast! I love The Monitor, and "The Battle of Hampton Roads" is definitely the highlight.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is practically perfect, yet I like Temple of Doom more. It was my first love I guess. I think Williams's core for The Last Crusade is Phenomenal but I like the movie itself the least of the original three. Kingsom of the Crystal Skull? I didn't hate it but I don't think fondly on it.

I'll definitely give it goofy and charming. I think I would have enjoyed it more as just a movie if I hadn't heard so much about it.

I finally got around to watching this a few months ago fter the millionth time or so I saw it mentioned in an AV Club article or comment. It was good and all bt not the classic I thought it would be based on the hyperbole it was receiving.

Shadow_play, the commenter will not be there.

It's okay, but gets a bit boring during the back half. Like, we've heard it all before.

It's a much slower affair then anything Gaslight did.

I really liked this a lot. It was fun. Does this Orkestra Obsolete have any more fun covers?

I don't know if it's because it has been played out, but "Blue Monday" while extremely awesome is probably not in my top 10 New Order songs. I've always loved "Bizarre Love Triangle" more. Let's not forget "Ceremony" "Perfect Kiss" "Temptation" so on and so forth.

A very good song.